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  1. Shmeir

    Hey hey

    whether any1 noticed or not i havent been posting for a few weeks cause my network is down at the moment so i probs wont be posting much for the next few days. but dont worry cause i havent forgoten about the forum or Skyfire and am in a constant state of excitement about the gig :grin: and...
  2. Shmeir

    self taught swedish

    im in the process of teaching myself some basic swedish!! i can already say "Hi, nice to meet you. how are you?" and that only took like 10 mins. hey, maybe i can try it out on u at the gig jonas
  3. Shmeir

    Metallica & Ja Rule

    some1's gotta help me here!!! a guy from college today was willing to bet £10 that Ja Rule features on some of the tracks on the new Metallica album "St. Anger" :ill: i think its a loada bollocks personally but i HAVE to make sure one way or the other.........
  4. Shmeir

    Official Skyfire Site

    when are u lazy bums gonna get that new website up and running!!! im determind to be the first person to sign the new guestbook :grin:
  5. Shmeir

    photo thread

    is it just me or has the "Skyfire forum photo page" disappeared?? i thought it was fixed at the top of all the threads and now its gone!! would it be impossable to delete the thread cause it was started by SD, but that account no longer exists....... ?
  6. Shmeir

    things finally going right

    gr8 news on the band front. we now have a full line up and are going to a practise studio this sunday for the first official band practise!!! i just wanted to share this with u guys. i feel amazing, im finally in a full band :D
  7. Shmeir

    What the.....

    man, whats going on here, its like this forum just died cause when ever im on here its like a ghost town. and wheres Jonas been these past few days?!?!?!?! .... am i the only person concerned about these strange days?!?!?!
  8. Shmeir

    Perfect Concert

    what would be ur perfect concert if u were given the oportunity to hold 1 allowing for 5 bands???? Mine would be: - Children Of Bodom - Headlining Dimmu Borgir Arch Enemy Ensiferum & Skyfire
  9. Shmeir

    A revelation

    I never lost faith and finally another Skyfire follower from good old England has reared his head. I welcome you PyroclasticDemeanor!!! surely this is the beginning of something good.
  10. Shmeir


    I have just noticed that on the picture on opening page of SD's unofficial fan page that every1 is wearing shoes/boots except Martin who is bare footed!! I found this kinda weird so i thought id ask if there is any reason for this??? :confused: cause that floor doesnt look very warm or soft.
  11. Shmeir

    After a long wait...

    i have finally got my hands on TD!!! :rock: now i feel like a real fan :lol: and i guess now u wont have to put up with any more of my complaining about not having it. kinda a useless thread but i felt i needed to tell u.
  12. Shmeir

    Official Skyfire site down.

    i know there was already a thread existing from last time this happened but i couldnt find it. if it is down then i guess it will have to wait until jonas gets back from the studio. let me know if it works for any1 else cause it mighty just be the crappy college network filtering out the...
  13. Shmeir

    Pecking Order.

    why is it that in the "Users browsing this forum" list my name is ALWAYS put last???? is there some sort of reason for the names to be displayed as such or is it just that everybodies name appears last in the list for them??
  14. Shmeir

    trouble afoot

    hmm.... ive noticed recently that theres an increasing amount of both hostility and negative attitudes starting to be displayed now that the forum is getting more popular. its been in the back of mind mind for a while but seeing TrueBeliever saying he might stop coming here cause its getting...
  15. Shmeir

    Deprived fan over here!!!!

    im at witts end :mad: i ordered Timeless Departure some time ago now and every time i go in to the shop and ask if its in yet im met with the same god dam reply of "I'm sorry, we've had to re-order it for you, try again in a week" AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH,what should i do?!?!?! when will the...
  16. Shmeir


    i was wondering if any of you guys have heard anything by "HIM". if you have what do you think of them and most importantly what genre would you class them as??? im at a loss but i know they kick ass
  17. Shmeir

    Have your say!!!

    Vote for who u would most like to become temerary moderator in the absense of the almight Darkmare. have ur say, vote Shmeir, for a better forum!!
  18. Shmeir

    A New Sound??

    i was just wondering what the new album is going to sound like and if there is likely to be any shift in the Skyfire sound we have all come to know and love with Timless Departure. after all how will Joakim's drumming differ to that of Tobias who drummed for the first album, and will personal...
  19. Shmeir

    Scandinavia Rocks

    it suddenly dawned on my that like 80% of my favourite bands have originated from Scandinavia, whether it be Sweden, Norway or Finland. there must be something in the water up there or the likes, but what ever it is damn i love it. what are everyone elses thoughts on the gr8 output of...
  20. Shmeir

    delt a cruel hand by fate

    i have been playing bass for many a year now and have a hunger to be in a black metal band. i have been in many attempted bands in the past, all of which have failed miserabley due to lack of commitment from the other member. now, i have finally formed a band with lots of enthusiasm and...