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  1. Liue

    as most of you know....

    im moving to cali in a month. so lets do something before i leave. ideas?
  2. Liue


    i miss u faggots! im not gonna BAW or ne-thing, but i do miss u faggots. when can we all get together some time during the week next week??
  3. Liue

    My Audio Visual final project

    so dudes i know i havent been around but i need a small favor from u dudes. i have a final project due in about a month and a half, i have to make a ten minute movie about anything. i was thinking i could film it at dotys get some beers and get u guys to act in it. this could be very easily...
  4. Liue

    awsome gif thread!

    some akuma
  5. Liue

    2008 "must go to" shows

    Symphony X : 06 April, 2008.......Philadelphia, PA, Usa.......The Trocadero! post on borothas!
  6. Liue

    circadian rising show tonight

    who's going , show of hands???
  7. Liue

    Speed Playing At its best This is Jon posting under luis' name.
  8. Liue

    MY 21ST

    i want to go to new york! .... disscuss..