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  1. F

    Fall of Empyrean Signs to Grau Records!

    Not sure if anyone even reads this anymore, but some big news to report: Fall of Empyrean finally has a label! We're proud to announce that we have signed a four-album deal with Germany's Grau Records, home of Mourning Beloveth, Longing for Dawn, Mael Mordha, and others. Our first album with the...
  2. F

    Living The Metal Life

    Hey Novembers Doom, I just have a question I've always been curious about. What is life like for Novembers Doom? You're a successful (but underground) metal band. Do you guys still have full-time jobs? How hard is touring, if so? What kind of recording and touring support do you get from The...
  3. F

    Fall of Empyrean News -- New Website and More

    First off, check out our newly redesigned website: It was designed and built by Robert Hoyem, of At The Ends Of The Earth Designs. He does great work, if you're ever in need of a website, a t-shirt design, cd artwork, or any other kind of artwork. Go to...
  4. F

    "A Darkness Remembered" on Amazon

    Oddly enough, our album is now listed on! Please go here:> Check it out! Leave a review, if you've heard it before!
  5. F


    EDIT: Sorry ... I'm blind. Didn't see the same thread a few inches down.
  6. F

    Fall of Empyrean is back in action!

    After a brief hiatus, Fall of Empyrean is back, with changes. Justin (guitars), Cris (guitars), Dan (bass), Kevin (keyboards), and Rich (vocals) are all back, but Steve (formerly on drums) has decided not to take part. We respect his decision, but the doom must go on. For the time being, Matt...
  7. F

    Album feedback ...

    If anyone of you have our latest release, "A Darkness Remembered," please let us know how you honestly feel about it. Thanks!
  8. F

    Holy shit ... Dark Tranquillity's "Character" ...

    ... is a great fucking album! I recommend all you Vehemence fans check it out immediately. Definitely one of my contenders for album of the year already! It's a lot more aggressive than "Damage Done," and more technical, but just as catchy and has a lot of the same cool electronic tinges that...
  9. F

    Moderator: A suggestion, if I may ...

    Can we get this forum name changed to just "Fall of Empyrean"? or at least "Fall of Empyrean Fan Forum" ... I didn't even know it was our forum until I saw the name of the first thread. Thanks!
  10. F

    Dimebag Darrell dead! Apparently, he and one other member of Damage Plan were shot at the Columbus, Ohio show tonight. Weird, and sad.
  11. F

    Fall of Empyrean news!

    Some pretty exciting news for those of you who care and haven't heard ... Fall of Empyrean will (tentatively) be entering the studio in February to record our debut full-length cd, called "A Darkness Remembered." The tracklisting will be as follows: 1) The Fading Light (C. Félix) 2) Slowly...
  12. F

    New Amp Time!

    Hey guys, I am in the market for a new amplifier. I have it kinda sorta narrowed down, but I wanted to get some opinions. Right now, my choices are: 1) Peavey 5150 2) Peavey 5150 II 3) Peavey Triple XXX 4) Line 6 Flextone II HD Now ... for those of you unfamiliar with Fall of Empyrean, we...
  13. F

    Fall of Empyrean's next show ... Friday, August 29th!

    @ The Clubhouse, 1320 E. Broadway Rd., Tempe AZ. We will be opening the show for: Structure of Lies, Inducing Terror, Schlitzkrieg, and BloodSoaked. Show starts at 8:00pm. Another note: We will have keyboards live! FINALLY! We finally found a permanent keyboardist in the form of Kevin...
  14. F


    It turns out that Agalloch, Virgin Black, and Antimatter are wanting to play FIRST so they can head off to SLC early, leaving us "openers" to play at around 11pm to a very small crowd. Fall of Empyrean is NOT pleased about this development, in part because the Jar already jerked us around by...
  15. F

    Ouch, Nate, that hurts!

    You guys should read this review of "God Was Created." Nate, in particular, should find it amusing.