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  1. NekrogoblinTim


    Uploading stuff right now, might be a little late, we got mixes late last night and I didn't get a chance to set everything up until this morning. GET EXCITED. EDIT: ALL LINKS REMOVED. END OF STREAM DAY. Give us comments! Also reminder: everything will go down at 2 AM Pacific Standard Time...
  2. NekrogoblinTim

    New album news

    So, here's a bullet point update: We have 12 songs in various stages of completion. The most complete are the following: Return To The Sky (From Whence You Came) - This song is about giant birds. No One Survives - An epic ballad about the apocalyptic results of a goblin invasion. The Bog - A...
  3. NekrogoblinTim

    Album news as of 8-18-08

    We have to finish writing two songs, and Nicky has to write keyboard parts for 8-9 songs, and then pre-production will be complete. Today, we booked Zack Ohren at Castle Ultimate Studios for late December to track drums and guitars. The album will have 12 songs. The album will be called...
  4. NekrogoblinTim

    Album News as of 10-09-2008

    The album as a whole is finally getting solidified. We're finishing up structures for our last song and still working on keys and lyrics for everything. Keyboard-wise, the album is half done, and lyrics-wise, maybe 2/3. We can finally give you a guys a tracklist, even though we don't have...
  5. NekrogoblinTim

    Studio Update!

    So the first day of recording Stench is complete... We tracked drums for The Bog, Bears, Nekropolis, Return To The Sky, and A Feast. Eddie and Zack are blazing through it, so it looks like we'll have time to do some rhythm guitars this session as well. We're also filming a studio diary doc kinda...
  6. NekrogoblinTim

    We're still alive... here's some sweeping to prove it That shit is hard to play. -Timbus
  7. NekrogoblinTim

    In the midst of vocal sessions...

    We got a bunch of sweet photos and behind-the-scenes video. After we finish with the main recording nonsense, I'll put up more studio diaries. We've got enough for a DVD. -Tim P.S. We did vocals for 9 songs last night. 3 left for tonight and a bunch of overdubs.
  8. NekrogoblinTim

    Album Status - June 1st, 2009

    Drums are done. Tim's guitars are done. Alex has a few leads left and then he's done. Bass is in progress. Keyboards are between 50% and 75% done Lyrics are 90% done. Album art is 75% done. Hoping for mid-late July release date, with new stuff up on myspace in late June. -Timbus
  9. NekrogoblinTim

    So you know how our album is taking very long?

    This is why: Notice that there are 93 tracks in this session. That is not a typo or a mistake. None of them are unnecessary. There shall be more before we are done. We are close...
  10. NekrogoblinTim

    Wanna hear new songs? Alex's girlfriend Viviene recorded a bunch of the show we played two nights ago. Sound quality is actually decent. -Tim
  11. NekrogoblinTim

    Timbus Productions

    This is just a shout-out for my production myspace: If anyone out there (or your friends ;)) want your band to sound good - message me. Cheers, -Tim
  12. NekrogoblinTim

    I'm bored - here's something fun (maybe you'll get to hear new stuff...)

    We have twelve songs on the new album: No One Survives, Bears, Invasion, Gallows & Graves, A Feast, Return To The Sky, Goblin Box, The Bog, Nekropolis, The Plague, Prince Of The Land Of Stench, and This Is Our God. Your task? Guess the tempo of the song. THREE tempo guesses per person. THREE...
  13. NekrogoblinTim

    I'm selling my Line 6 POD Xt Pro [rackmount]

    If any of you guys want it, let me know. My Paypal account is fucked right now so if you want it, you'll have to send a check. I'm asking for $375 + shipping, which is pretty good considering it's like new and going for $500 at musician's friend...
  14. NekrogoblinTim

    News article on STENCH
  15. NekrogoblinTim

    STENCH Studio Diary [latest episode = 8]

    Episode I: Episode II: Episode III: Episode IV: Episode V: Episode VI: Episode VII: Episode VIII: Enjoy. -Timbus
  16. NekrogoblinTim

    Support INFERI

    These guys are an amazing band that unfortunately just broke up due to label/financial bullshit. They fucking rule, go here and see for yourself: or -Timbus
  17. NekrogoblinTim

    STENCH Studio Trip Photo Dump

    On our way North.... Nicky's stoked. I'm getting some footage for the studio... Driving along, towards STENCH! Yep, I'm driving. Goblin Fucking metal. Extra Goblin Fucking Metal. We're driving to our doom. Fuck yes. Right before we died. Nicky is Prince of the land of...
  18. NekrogoblinTim

    Nekrogobli-hangout in North Carolina

    I'm going to be in Fayetteville, NC next Wednesday and early Thursday (Dec 10 and 11) for work. If anyone wants to hang out, give me a shout. -Timbus
  19. NekrogoblinTim

    Got tired of our myspace look

    ... So I made it better. Check it out... Oh and the background art is by Mr. "GmT Curwen" from these forums. It's the booklet art for "The Bog", and most likely going to end up on some merch as well. -Tim P.S. Yes, we have 3 keyboard players in the band now. Total ownage.
  20. NekrogoblinTim

    Something that didn't make it onto "Goblin Island"

    Found this today... It was gonna be another cover on GI but we kinda ran out of time, plus we already had two covers. Anyway, recording never got used. Half of it was pretty sloppy anyway. Here's a decent section. Enjoy. -Timbus