Search results

  1. NinjaGeek

    Metal where Organ plays a dominant role in the music

    I realize there are probably 1000 bands that use organ or organ sounding keyboards. But are any bands that do it really well, and have it play a dominant role in the music? IE: not just for intros, or vaguely in the background for atmosphere. Real organ preferred, organ sounding keyboard is...
  2. NinjaGeek

    Bands that mix or hop sub-genres

    Looking for metal bands that combine multiple metal sub-genres. Preferably bands that mix at least 3, though it's alright if they only mix 2 as long as it's a unique and interesting combination, I don't need thousands of recs for deathgrind, blackened death, folk/black, etc. Keep it to a few...
  3. NinjaGeek

    Brutal and Catchy

    I listened to Alienation Mental's album Psychopathicolorspectrum, and I really liked it despite some of the negative comments about it having some Nu Metal influence. So I'm just wondering if there are any other bands or specific albums, that have that sort of catchy aspect of mainstream metal...
  4. NinjaGeek

    Modern Grind Essentials

    Looking to explore the Grind scene deeper, so I'd like to know which bands best represent each sub-genre of Grind. Not looking for influential bands, but the bands that most reflect the current sound of each sub-genre. Keep recommendations to a few bands per sub-genre, no huge lists, and if...
  5. NinjaGeek

    Do there exist any metal bands that....

    mix balkan brass in with their metal?
  6. NinjaGeek

    Good Speakers For Music Listening?

    So I'm getting somewhat tired of the crappy audio quality of my laptop, and thinking of getting some speakers for general music listening purposes. What are some good quality speakers that won't cost too much?
  7. NinjaGeek

    Straight Up Death Metal

    Looking for some kickass straight up death metal. Nothing too brutal (aka grumbleish) or tech. Just straight up death metal thats heavy, angry, powerful, intense, destructive, whatever. No Big Lists.
  8. NinjaGeek

    Need some kickass power metal

    Looking for some good new power metal, these are the traits I'm looking for. 1) Must be epic as hell, and feel undeniably like power metal, symphonic is nice, but not required. 2) Must be heavy, sure it's power metal, but it's fucking metal, there's gotta be some force and weight behind...
  9. NinjaGeek

    Russia Vs. Georgia

    This is nothing new, so I won't post a new article or anything, but what do you guys think of the current conflict going on between them? Personally I think the American media is really simplifying the issue and unfairly labeling Russia as the aggressor.
  10. NinjaGeek

    Lesser Known Bands That Kickass

    Just looking for some new sounds from any subgenre of metal. The lesser known part isn't terribly important, just trying to get away from all the standard recommendations, so don't think you need to recommend some incredibly obscure band that I won't be able to find anywhere. No giant lists...
  11. NinjaGeek

    Is someone taking out the Soul Men?

    If so, Samuel L. Jackson is next.
  12. NinjaGeek

    Heaviest Black Metal Band?

    Whats the heaviest black metal band out there? And don't try to sneak in any death metal influenced stuff.
  13. NinjaGeek

    Taking Care of Your Hearing

    Well recently I've been more and more worried about losing my hearing from loud music. I feel this is probably an issue a lot of metal heads deal with, especially those of you who've been in the scene longer. I know someone is gonna say "Just turn your volume down", but I've tried this several...
  14. NinjaGeek

    2 Requests

    1) A band that uses really deep, clean, male vocals. Other types of vocals are okay as long as the deep clean vocals are used on a regular basis. 2) A band that makes good use of the bass guitar. I'm mostly looking for bands that have it mixed in well so that you can easily hear it above...
  15. NinjaGeek

    Metal bands that mix in Rap/Hip Hop and don't suck

    For the more open minded people here who don't think all rap/hip hop sucks, what are some good metal bands that incorporate all this into their music? Preferably black or death metal, but anything is fine if it's good.
  16. NinjaGeek

    Unique Sounding Grindcore

    What are some Grindcore/Goregrind/DeathGrind/Whatever bands that have a really unique sound, either through adding in instruments beyond drums guitar and bass, or something else that sets them apart from a normal grind band. Genre-fusion is more than welcome.
  17. NinjaGeek

    Recommend me some Dimmu Borgir

    just saw Dimmu Borgir live, and I didn't like most of their songs, but there were 2 songs that were really really kickass sounding. I have no idea what they were, but I'm assuming it was their older stuff since I'd assume they'd be playing mostly their newer stuff and I've heard people say...
  18. NinjaGeek

    Seal Tries To Rape Penguin
  19. NinjaGeek

    Anyone Else Enjoying Xaphan

    Part of John Zorn's Masada Series, preformed by Secret Chiefs 3, who's got their copy and is absolutely loving Xaphan: Book of Angels Vol. 9? I know I am, it's a bit different from the usual SC3 stuff but still really good. I haven't heard any other Masada albums so I can't really judge it...
  20. NinjaGeek

    Death Country

    Just started getting into this genre of music. It has nothing to do with death metal, it's simply really dark, depressing, hateful country music sometimes with rough vocals. This is the band I've been listening to recently, I stumbled upon this...