Search results

  1. Vimana


    Last week, I braised duck bacon with ground bison for a couple days in olive oil, butter, goat cheese, coconut milk, cinnamon, turmeric, and curry with onions, arugala, and mushrooms. It was dank as fuck, but the duck almost overpowered everything else in it. I have so much spiced duck fat left...
  2. Vimana

    Why Men are Dumb

    I want to talk about the dumb things men do, like assert themselves in pointless ways just to have presence. I was at work and talking about the difference between the reproductive strategies of primates and other animals with a couple people, one of which was a 17-year-old boy. I said...
  3. Vimana

    Crazy Musical Ideas

    Non-Metal is a dead zone and these ideas won't necessarily be Metal, so here goes. What crazy musical ideas would you like to see done? I think Beach Shoegaze would be pretty cool. A mix of Monoland, My Bloody Valentine, Astrobrite, Slowdive, The Beach Boys, The English Beat, stuff like that...
  4. Vimana

    The Opposite of Pet Peeves

    Okay, so let's be positive here. What random little quirks in life do you really like? I always love it when a customer laughs when I accidentally drop silverware when clearing dishes. It's great that they don't take something as unimportant as clearing dishes so seriously and that they want...
  5. Vimana

    The Inquiry Thread

    This thread is for asking and answering questions. The questions can be about anything. Would you eat a pizza with hot dog slices instead of pepperoni?
  6. Vimana

    Metal + Dubstep

    Pretty simple request. I listened to this one song called Harry, by some obscure British rapper that was remixed by Bare Noize. The drop made me think of Metal, and sure enough, there was a Metal version. I don't really know shit about Dubstep really, as I am only getting into a...
  7. Vimana


    I need to find a pair of headphones for around one hundred dollars (max, two hundred) that have the following characteristics: - Durability (I'm going abroad soon for a few months or more and may not be able to get a new pair of headphones while I'm gone) - (Actually good) noise-cancellation...
  8. Vimana

    Musical Exchange

    I thought this might be best to post in the GMD Social Forum since it gets more traffic, but I think it's more appropriate here. I'm sure a lot of us here make music using DAW's. I just got in on the craze with Reaper. So I had this idea. I think it would be fun for us to set up some kind of...
  9. Vimana

    The Internet Age

    This kind of mirrors the topic about the global society, but instead of focusing on how it affects politics, laws, and global interaction, it focuses on daily life. I recommend reading this article. So how much of this is true for you? How is the internet age affecting you? What are you...
  10. Vimana

    Looking for a Music-Making Program

    I know there are probably tons of threads about this, but I have a pretty specific request that I've tried in google that hasn't yielded sufficient results, and I figured people on this forum probably already have experience. It needs the following things: - Ability to create looped beats...
  11. Vimana

    Black Metal/Power Metal Mix

    A few years ago on this forum I remember someone posting a video of a band that mixes Power Metal and Black Metal. All I can remember is the band possibly being Finnish or something, and having a female singer. I remember liking it, but that's about it. Anyways, even if you don't know which...
  12. Vimana

    Looking for a Music-Making Program

    I know there are probably tons of threads about this, but I have a pretty specific request that I've tried in google that hasn't yielded sufficient results, and I figured people on this forum probably already have experience. It needs the following things: - Ability to create looped beats, and...
  13. Vimana

    The Language Thread

    What languages do you speak? What languages are you learning? Discuss anything language-related here. This also serves as an outlet so that my long-winded posts about language do not crowd up other threads. Other than English, I speak pretty good Spanish. I wouldn't say I'm fluent yet, but...
  14. Vimana

    Korean Metal

    I've begun learning the Korean language, and so far, what I've heard of Korean pop music doesn't really fit to my liking. So I was wondering if there are any good bands from Korea that make their music in Korean.
  15. Vimana


    What's your stance on extraterrestrials? I personally have no doubt that they are out there in the universe, and I think it's pretty likely that they visited our planet, given the age of the universe and age of our solar system. I believe there is good evidence that aliens are examining the...
  16. Vimana

    Akira Yamaoka-esque Black Metal

    I've really been digging the OSTs of the Silent Hill games, and I think that the melancholy, atmospheric, and somewhat scary moods created by piano, violin, and cello would go perfectly with Black Metal. Are there any bands that incorporate these kinds of sounds into their music?
  17. Vimana

    Dumb/Funny Things You Did Whilst Intoxicated

    This thread is going to be fun. I'll start off. Yesterday, I was high as fuck and I went to this little bakery by a local mall. I saw this girl in there who I recognized from one of my classes. I went up and talked to her, but laughed a little too much. She told me I should buy something in the...
  18. Vimana


  19. Vimana


    All OKC discussion goes here. Post your username and whatever OKC-related crap you feel like sharing. I'm Derinsula. I joined a couple days ago out of boredom and my matches seem like total douchebags.
  20. Vimana

    The Create-an-Album Game

    Okay, so I thought this game was really fun, and I'd rather it not be shoved in the void of Thread Games. Grant's OP explains it. And, something Andy added in the original thread to make it more interesting. Put the name underneath (in case the font is hard to read) and the genre of music...