Search results

  1. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Why Do We Have Schools?

    I asked a survey question for a class assignment and now I am finished. Thanks to all who participated! :-)
  2. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Great Lyrics or Lyric Writing

    After six and a half years of writing music, I attempted writing lyrics for the first time this past week and I'm not that impressed with what I've come up with. I wasn't expecting to sit down and write incredible lyrics on my first try, but I was curious if anyone could provide some pointers or...
  3. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Sex: Eyes Open or Closed

    For some reason I just remembered that my ex thought it was weird that I occasionally made eye contact during sex. After breaking up with her I hooked up with another girl who kept her eyes closed the entire time and didn't move at all and I thought that was weird. Also, in my human...
  4. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Music Jokes and Riddles

    After a rant about how much I hate Bob Marley (fans) in another thread, I came up with these two jokes. Obviously, feel free to substitute Bob Marley with whichever artist the recipient of the joke has wasted the most money / hours of their life listening to, or artist with whom you and the...
  5. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    2000 - 2009: How Will This Decade Be Remembered?

    First of all, I hope UM is still around in 2019, 2029 and beyond and that someone will remember to bump this thread so we can laugh at our erroneous predictions or marvel at our insights. MUSIC As far as music is concerned, I really can't speculate on what will be considered "generation...
  6. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Prehistory - Does It Really Matter?

    For reference, "Ardi" refers to the new Ardipithecus ramidus fossils. I was trying to watch the "Discovering Ardi" documentary a couple nights ago when in a hostile takeover of the television, my father dismissed the documentary as "the same old crap we've seen a million times before...
  7. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Urgent Linguistics Discussion (also, I will talk about sex a little)

    About a week ago I was talking to a friend of mine and thinking of cheesy pseudo pick up lines as I often do when talking to a woman. I made my usual comments about making babies, with the necessary emphasis on "making but not having," a.k.a. "practicing making babies," as condoms would be...
  8. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    "International Guitar Hall of Fame" in the Works

    My mom showed me this article from a two week old issue of the Cooperstown Crier. Anyway, do you support the construction of a Guitar Hall of Fame and would you visit it?
  9. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    NO GIRLS ALLOWED CLUB (General Beards / Facial Hair Thread)

    THREAD RULES: Manly Men: - post your current age - post either date or then-age with any photos that you share Non-men: - all male posters who cannot grow facial hair are not men, they are man apprentices - female posters will be reluctantly tolerated under the following conditions...
  10. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    "Western" Music

    I'm looking for metal, or music in general, that follows the example of the tracks posted below. My primary interest is that they have that characteristic "American Midwest" feel. Elmer Bernstein - The Magnificent Seven Nightwish - Creek Mary's Blood (orchestral version) I prefer...
  11. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    April Fools Day Thread

    Discuss pranks that you've pulled this year and previously, as well as those that have been pulled on you. In you find any internet pranks, post those as well. I received this facebook notification earlier today: Those of you with gmail have probably already noticed this: My...
  12. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    BREAKING NEWS: "American Idol" still on the air

    ..but seriously: I have never heard this parting expression before, but I've also never been to Louisville. Is there anyone on this board from the Louisville area who can confirm that this is in fact a well known parting...
  13. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Help Me With This Music Vocabulary Problem

    2009 original post: I was recollecting my music history class from a couple years ago and remembered the professor telling us that folk and traditional music are basically songs without a known composer and that _______ music is basically any musical piece with a known author or composer. I've...
  14. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Test Your Musical Ear

    Someone from the TabIt forums posted this and I've been playing it pretty much all night. When I first started, I had about 45% accuracy on the interval trainer, but a few hours later, I'm now up to around 65%, and I can choose my answers more quickly, with fewer replays. I haven't tried the...
  15. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    1/7/09 Thread

    Someone from another forum posted this last week. TL;DR - Something big either will or won't be going down in the city* today. Discuss. * New York City
  16. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Science Misconceptions That Annoy You

    1) Someone from another forum mentioned how annoyed he was when he overheard a conversation between a beautician and client in a salon when the beautician recommended a specific hair product because it had "no chemicals in it" and this forced him to wonder what qualifies as a chemical to this...
  17. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    How Do I Download Embedded Music?

    I want to download the song from the player on this website, but I can't figure out how. I looked at the source used the find feature to locate "mp3," but I don't know enough about html to figure out what the direct link is :( Also, this is probably a shot in the dark, but does anyone know...
  18. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Karaoke Thread

    My school hosts a karaoke night every other Thursday and I usually go with my friends, because we're music nerds. Tonight was special though, because they held a competition to be entered into the karaoke finals at the end of the year and I entered as a joke, because I have virtually no vocal...
  19. BlackMetalWhiteGuy


    A magician is a person who plays or writes magic. Magicians can be classified by their roles in creating or performing magic. Magician can be amateur or professional. A magician can be self-taught, or learned by formal education in a conservatory or by a private instructor or a guru.
  20. BlackMetalWhiteGuy

    Ethnic Metal, Folk & Traditional Inspired Metal

    I'm looking for bands that have a predominating Asian cultural influence, but I'm interested in bands that play other types of folkish metal as well. My only request is that they have a heavier emphasis on the traditional instruments, rather than simply being a metal band that occasionally...