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  1. P


    It's a bit silent here and at the TODT website, no gigs planned, no other particular news... so what's happening now/next...? Writing a new album yet, a tour coming up maybe...? :goggly:
  2. P

    12/04 TODT with Celtic Frost! (Belgium)

    Unbelieveable... in April, The Old Dead Tree are playing with one of the best bands ever, here in Belgium!!!! Quite happy to find out about this today... And I'm already really looking forward to this festival... :) Anyone else of you going maybe?
  3. P

    Your favourite album?

    So, let's vote... :) I didn't include The Blossom because it's kind of hard to compare it with three full length studio albums... Oh yeah, and please feel free to elaborate your choice... ;)