Search results

  1. Necroraven

    Angelscourge - black metal in Swedish style

    Angelscourge is a Finnish black metal band that plays in vein of Swedish bands, such as Dissection, Sacramentum, Dark Funeral, Mörk Gryning etc. Physical release coming soon.
  2. Necroraven

    Guest appearances/side projects of COB-members

    As we all know, all COB members except Henkka(?) have been involved in other bands either as full-time members or guests, so what are your favourites? My choice is got to be Alexi's work in Impaled Nazarene, the hardest and the most extreme band ever come out of Finland! Also funny to note...
  3. Necroraven

    Sleaze/glam metal

    Thoughts? Recommendations? Recently I've been listening to Crashdïet hell of a lot.
  4. Necroraven

    You all should stop listening to CoB...

    ...because all metal is stupid and talentless.
  5. Necroraven

    Where are all the ultra-fanatic fans?

    I was wondering about those super-fanatics, like the one who cut the letters "COBHC" in his flesh with a razorblade, where are they? I'm pretty sure COB has got a lot of fans like that. Since this is the official messageboard, I thought they'd find their way here. Of course there was Lady_Laiho...
  6. Necroraven

    Worst Band Names

    Inspired by Favourite Band names-thread, why not list the worst? There are of course countless shitty names, but here are some: Dødkvlt Gestapo 666 Duria Sadyr Heathen Hoof Six Feet Under Fairyland Rhapsody 69 Eyes Totalselfhatred Flotsam and Jetsam Soilwork ... And Oceans Serpenthia Gloomy...
  7. Necroraven

    Frosthallowed - for fans of Dissection, Sacramentum etc.

    Old-school melodic black metal in vein of 90's swedish bands like Dissection, Sacramentum, Vinterland, Unanimated and Mörk Gryning.
  8. Necroraven

    The Best Band Pics-thread

    Didn't see thread like this here yet. Behexen Morbid Angel Dissection Vinterland
  9. Necroraven

    Hevisaurus Mitäs pidätte? Ehkä kovimpia orkestereita koskaan. Suomi todella on hevin luvattu maa. Myöskään bändin jäsenten nimet eivät jätä mitään arvailujen varaan: Laulu - Herra Hevisaurus Koskettimet - Milli Pilli Rummut - Komppi Momppi Kitara - Riffi Raffi Basso...
  10. Necroraven

    Paras Bodom keikka, jonka olet nähnyt

    Ajattelinpa saada hieman eloa tänne Suomi puolelle, joten päätinpä tehdä tällaisen threadin. Eli mikä on ollut paras Bodom keikka jossa olet ollut, ja miksi? Paras keikka jolla itse olen ollut oli 5.4 2003 Nosturissa. Keikka oli aivan loistava ja lisäksi siellä oli vielä Norther...
  11. Necroraven

    Bodomin vanhat nettisivut

    Jos joku ei ole löytänyt niin tästä linkistä voi vierailla Bodomien vanhoilla nettisivuilla Sivut ovat Follow the Reaperin aikaiset ja ehkä niistä on iloa joillekin faneille. Pari haastattelua sieltä ainakin löytyy.
  12. Necroraven

    Do you consider this a "rip-off" or accident?

    I think that it's pretty known knowledge that verse of Lil' bloodred ridin' hood is taken from Dissection's Unhallowed and lil' bloodred ridin' hood's chorus is from Dissection's Night's Blood since you can read it from SOB. But has someone noticed this? Listen to the part 1:57-2:01 from...