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    Prey For Nothing new video

    Official video of Israeli Prey For Nothing. for the fans of late Death, Arsis, Carcass and Arch Enemy (swift and technical death / thrash with tons of melody) What do you guys think ?
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    If you want a great cover album or artwork

    I must recommand you on an Israeli uprising artist, Eliran "Blizzard" Kantor, The man is fucking genius ! He did the latest work on the Israeli melodic-death-metal Solitary with their debut "Trail of Omission" and did alot of good artwork, even on instant ! The man is a walking...
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    Hey dudes !

    I'm Yotam from Israel, I'm serving in the IDF as a speech writer and also a vocalist in a thrash-death metal local band. I first met "Fury" in MEGADED and later on with their blaster version of Testament's DOG FACED GODS... My favorite metal band is Testament, and Low and The Gathering are...