Search results

  1. HemlockForTheGods

    Infinite Of Sound this is an awesome group called Infinite Of Sound... its sounds like Jazz with traditional Korean instruments... just phenominal make sme want to buy a Haegeum!
  2. HemlockForTheGods

    Multitracking Rhythm guitar

    up until now i've only tracked 2 layers of rhythm guitar in my demo recordings, hard panned 100% L / 100% R. Recently I read an article saying you can get a really chunky sound by recording up to 6 layers and panning them out evenly across the board. anyone have experience with this?
  3. HemlockForTheGods


  4. HemlockForTheGods

    My New Guitar

    I just ordered a new guitar from non other than Ibanez. Bask in it's glory... Ibanez XPT707FX Thats right you love the big image
  5. HemlockForTheGods

    South Park @ The Home Depot

    I have recently discovered that the home depot has not blocked many video sites on their systems, and thus I can enjoy episode after episode of southpark every day, while avoiding the throng of unruly customers. This is truly a glorious day. Spread the word to all HD employees everywhere!
  6. HemlockForTheGods

    BAN 7AM

    I would like to start a movement to ban 7 am entirely for the following reasons. 1) Nobody wants to get up to work 2) Need more time to detox 3) Pancakes taste better around noon If it is not possible to ban 7 am entirely, then I suggest we rename '7 o'clock' to 'shit o'clock'. That...
  7. HemlockForTheGods

    I divided by zero!

    well once again i was bored at work today so decided to see how large of a garage I could make in our autocad system... so i made a 1000 ft by 1000 ft building with about 2937529387 windows and doors...when i tried to compile the price of the building, the program took a shit and said "integer...
  8. HemlockForTheGods

    EZ Drummer VSTi

    anyone have experience with this app? I just got it and need some tips badly!
  9. HemlockForTheGods

    UM Members ::: Welcome to Our World

    A place to introduce yourself! - I'll start... I'm Lee, a singer and guitarist from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada. I like meat, potatoes, and metal.
  10. HemlockForTheGods

    Gates Of Winter @

    Gates Of Winter, and the entire Lux Aeterna album can be found on our off-site . Burning Kingdom I: A Dark Affliction has received: Track of the Day on 6Jan2008 in Metal #7 Best Keyboards in Metal, all-time...