Search results

  1. K

    Musical Movies

    Yo, List some great movies that are centered around music. Like documentaries or just musical movies in general. I just watched Whiplash and I really enjoyed it. Definately worth checking. By the way, did you guys know that Spinal Tap's rating in IMDB is 8/11 :lol:
  2. K


    Yo! You guys ever think about the Universe? :p You think we (as a society) should spend billions of dollars to reach other planets in our solar system? What's your thoughts on extraterrestial life?
  3. K

    Burning Man

    Hello, I really want to go there! Me an my friends are now really thinking of going next year. Has anyone ever been to Burning Man festival?
  4. K

    Symphony X unplugged?

    Has Symphony X ever done an acoustic live show? I think it'd be totally awesome! Allens voice would be cool with acoustic stuff. The arrangements could be tricky but still I think they should do one! :)
  5. K

    Sequels in Music

    I just listened Thick as a Brick 2 by Ian Anderson. It was ok, I gotta listen to it again with better time though... So you guys know any good Sequels? Albums or songs (like Accolade 2). I know about Coheed and Gambria, but I don't like them that much...
  6. K

    The best year in music

    What is the best year in music? I mean if you had to choose a year, and you could only listen music that was released during that year, what year would it be and why? :Spin: Mine would probably be 1972. Yes - Fragile and Close to the Edge Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick Geensis - Foxtrot...
  7. K

    Any good RPG's?

    Do you guys know any good free online RPG's? :rolleyes:
  8. K

    Tube amplifiers

    Yo, I was thinking of buying a tube combo. Something that would be good for homeplaying BUT also is fitting for some band/live stuff... You guys got any tubes to suggest? Music type is pretty versitile, but mainly metal-y stuff... The price would be something like 500-700eur.. I have this crappy...
  9. K

    Lets make music?

    Hmm, I had an idea... I was wondering if we could compose a song where each of us would play a different part or instrument in the song. Like someone would play backing guitar, and upload/send that audio to someone else. Then the second guy could play bass for that backing guitar, and forward...
  10. K

    Concept Albums

    List some great concept albums. Others than the obvious classics... If you know any fantasy/fairytale albums it'd be great coz I'm a RPG fan. :grin: :D :grin: :tickled:
  11. K

    Bass related question.

    I'm a noob when it comes to recording stuff with my computer so I wanted to ask what do you think is the best way to get a decent bass sound without an actual bass. I'm now using my guitar and adding an effect(octaver?) through my GT-10 to make it an octave lower, but naturally the sound is kind...
  12. K

    Your favourite beer

    I just wanted to ask if there were any beer lovers here. So what kind of beers do you like? And more specifically, WHAT is your favourite beer? I myself like all types of beers but most of all I'm a huge fan of India Pale Ales, the crispy fresh taste of all the hops and malts just give me the...
  13. K


    So do you guys use IRC much? I was wondering if there is a Symphony X channel somewhere? If not, and you guys use IRC, should we make one?
  14. K

    Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

    So it's a parody of Walk The Line (atleast mostly). I liked the movie eventhough some of the parts went a little overboard... BUT the soundtrack in this movie is amazing! Made me fall in love with 50's music all over again :P So if you've seen this, what do you think about it? If you haven't...
  15. K

    Nobuo Uematsu

    So what do you guys think of him? :P He's a freaking genius if you ask me. Listening to FFVII OST and oh my god... Of course this OST may feel alot better because I have such strong feelings for this game and these songs bring back memories, but still...
  16. K

    Favourite drum action?

    For example a song that has awesome drumming or maybe just an amazing fill or something? The drumming in Egypt is SO cool! And I also love the pattern in The Odyssey (or what ever it is in English) that starts around 5:00. Simply Great! :P
  17. K

    Cover songs by Symphony X?

    I was wondering have they ever played any covers live? I would wanna hear Gates of Babylon by Rainbow. It sounds very Symphony X to me and would love to hear it. So tell me what songs you would wanna hear Symphony X covering, if any.
  18. K

    Multi effects processors

    So what do you guys think of guitar multi effects processors like Boss' GT-8...? Haven't really played much with those so can't say much, but some of them actually sound pretty decent. So share some expirience you've had with these multi thingies. Are they any good? Can you recommend...
  19. K

    About Floyd Rose tremolo...

    So I was wondering. If you have a floyd rose and you don't use the whammy bar. You just bend some string (like high-e) does all the other strings loosen too? Like, the bend would make the whole floyd rose bridge move, which would loosen all the strings. Is this true?
  20. K

    Best vocal work!

    So what do you think is the best vocal work you've heard? Can be a single song or an album or a live show. Naturally I'm gonna say The Odyssey as a song. I guess no need to tell my reasons. I'm a huge fan of Zeppelin so I'm also gonna say 1970 live from Royal Albert Hall. Robert's voice...