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  1. Norbix

    Vile And Hostile - Heretic

  2. Norbix

    guys i am drunk

    hello,it f I am doing what Ive frequently regarded as stupid. often I have seen you mother fuckers gert drunk and then post stupid shit to this forum. i always thought to myself.. why do these dumb asses get drunk and then find their way to this forum? why are they \in the position to get drunk...
  3. Norbix

    Great COB educational video

    Every COB fan should watch this video
  4. Norbix

    Looking to buy Edwards Alexi model

    Hey, Thought I'd try my luck and see if anyone decides to sell one of these. If you do send me a PM. ; )
  5. Norbix

    Any Jackson RR24 owners?

    I'm lookin to buy this from some guy who's selling it to me for pretty cheap.. but I noticed something in the picture. Behind the headstock it has the little tool holder for the bridge but I've noticed every other pic on the net doesn't have that. It also doesn't have the made in japan...