Search results

  1. Melb_shredder

    U.S mates... Bernie Sanders?

    I don't know heaps about US politics as an outsider, but I try my best because it interests me as I'm sure it does to others in the world... I'm trying to keep up with who's running and what not and what they stand for. I must admit, I've fallen for Bernie Sanders, even if he may not win, he's...
  2. Melb_shredder

    Super proud moment/ totes off topic

    Sorry guys, TOTALLY off topic but sometimes you have those stupidly special moments and sharing it is the only way to expel the awesome. We just had the hometown launch show for our new album on Friday night. This gig took me a few months to properly plan/ I stage managed the whole night and did...
  3. Melb_shredder

    Partum Vita Mortem - Album stream

    Hey guys, New Orpheus Omega album is out July 24th. For those of you who are interested, there's a full stream up now at No Clean Singing. 13 tracks which I had the pleasure of Engineering and Mixing too. Check it out, would love your thoughts \m/...
  4. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega - Karma Favours The Weak

    Hey guys, We just released the first video clip from our upcoming album, 'PARTUM VITA MORTEM'. I engineered and mixed this and was mastered by Crystal Mastering here in AU. Would love it if you guys gave it a spin :)
  5. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega - CONCEPTION

    If you guys are keen to check out some behind the scenes stuff in regards to my band's new album, enjoy ^_^ ORPHEUS OMEGA - CONCEPTION "Conception gives an insight to where Orpheus Omega have come from in the last 2 years to the point of PARTUM VITA MORTEM'S completion. The band share their...
  6. Melb_shredder

    FF VII remake announced (go on... Get excited)

    Sony officially announced FF VII getting a remake with a flash teaser trailer to go with it. Now, while I loved the SHT out of that game... I feel like I don't care at this point too much. Not to the point of going out to get a PS4 for it (especially knowing it won't be exclusive). That said, it...
  7. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega - Beacons

    Hey guys, We just dropped the first single, Beacons, from our upcoming album PARTUM VITA MORTEM. I engineered and mixed this bad boy, could have come up a bit better if I had a bit more time, but super keen on it overall. I know there's a few OO fans in here, so hopefully you like it \m/...
  8. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega signs to Kolony Records

    Hey guys! I haven't posted on here in a while sadly... Between working on projects + my band's 3rd album, it's been flat out. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of it though. :) But I'm going to be a shameless self promoting cunt for the moment, purely because I'm so excited to...
  9. Melb_shredder

    Cubase upgrade... Confused :( halp?

    Sorry for the noob question... But I bought CUBASE 7.5 a little while back finally... Then I got a MacBook to do work on while on tour/ away from home etc and Yosemite doesn't support 7.5. And I can't even install it, it seems! So, if I purchase cubase 8... Would I be simply buying the upgrade...
  10. Melb_shredder

    I HATE doing this... but help a brother out?

    Hey guys! My band Orpheus Omega just got short listed for Sweden Rock 2015. One of 2 Australian bands out of 150 bands worldwide, to be fair. I'd fucking LOVE to get onto something like this as it's usually incredibly difficult as an Aussie act to do so. If you're happy to throw us a vote...
  11. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega - Archways Across Asia (Live DVD clip)

    Hey guys. Our Live DVD which was recorded during our tour across Asia a few months ago is about to come out (November 3rd). Here's a clip from one of the shows in Wuhan/ China that we played. I'd love your thoughts on the mix. Each show was mixed slightly different but we took DI's of...
  12. Melb_shredder

    Alex Rudinger and Evan Brewer quit the Faceless

    Well... Both on the same day, no official band post :/
  13. Melb_shredder

    Orpheus Omega - Archways Across Asia trailer

    In July my band Orpheus Omega ventured internationally for the first time across Asia and filmed a live DVD and documentary. Here's the trailer for that release \m/
  14. Melb_shredder

    Moments Apart - Thoughtless

    Ohhhh something not metal for once :O? I had the pleasure of recording/ mixing this track and I think these guys put together an absolutely killer song. I'd love to know of anyone else here enjoys this kind of thing :)
  15. Melb_shredder

    Swallow the sun snare

    Hey guys. Working with a band currently that sound very much like swallow the sun and I'm using their 2012 release as a reference. I'm loving the snare sound on it but am having trouble getting mine in the vicinity of it. Any ideas what samples might be a nice idea to blend I'm a bit for this...
  16. Melb_shredder

    IEM systems... experiences/ recommendations?

    Hey guys. I'm about to go down the IEM route for live shows (vocals + guitar) and have to clue where to start.... A good set of generic buds, or do I get full molded? And what IEM brands are decent? The Sennheiser G3 stuff looks good and there's the Shure PSM 200 which looks decent, but outside...
  17. Melb_shredder

    Touring rigs - Share that shit

    Alright guys, so I figured a cool little thread with everyone throwing up what they use on tour would be cool. Whether it be some epic rack thing, a Metal Zone pedal etc, it doesn't matter. What do YOU guys use when you're on tour?? When I'm on tour with mt band Orpheus Omega, having a...
  18. Melb_shredder

    In Malice's Wake - Live DVD

    Worked on this fantastic project with these awesome dudes. Mixed and mastered by me at Monolith Studios. Enjoy :)
  19. Melb_shredder

    In Flames - Deliver Us (Vocal Cover)

    Hey guys, Been working on my cleans a bit more lately (usually a growl only guy) wouldn't mind your thoughts \m/
  20. Melb_shredder

    Trivium - Dying In Your Arms (Vocal Cover)

    Had 30 minutes to myself today in between sessions so I thought I'd record a cover. Would love your thoughts guys \m/