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  1. C

    RIP Ronnie James Dio

    Ronnie James Dio passed away today. I'm crushed and so shocked I almost cannot believe it. This is teh saddest day in metal history. "No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a Rainbow In The Dark"
  2. C

    Rock/Metal Operas

    Well, I'm a HUGE fan of Rock/metal operas. Sometimes this kind of releases get confused with concept albums: to make it clear I'll use and example: Orwarrior is a CONCEPT album, but NOT a metal. You need to have several characters and several singers to interpretate them to have a...
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    Orphaned Land Contest

    YES, is giving away 15 tickets for the upcoming OL tour: 5 for teh show in Madrid (Spain), 5 for the show in Barcelona (Spain) and 5 for the show in Lisboa (Portugal). How could you win your ow? Easy, you just need to send the answer to the following questions to...
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    Orwarrior Tour

    So that is, let's talk about the upcoming tour, how many shows are we going to see and where :) So far, I can confirm myself being at Madrid's show on April 30th!
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    New Interview with Kobi

    As promised, here is the link to my interview with Kobi, both in english: and spanish: Enjoy it and please leave your comments!
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    This is a thread for us to recommend not-so-well-known albums to each others. I'll start: Zippo - The Road To Knowledge: This is one of the "strangest" releases I heard in a time, with a great variety of styles in the band's sound. From 70's Rock to Stoner, with a huge charge of Progressive...
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    Dreamt about interviewing OL? Do it!!

    See people, next Tuesday I will have the honour of talking with Kobi for an interview and I would like to share this with all of you. I've prepair a biiig interview for him, but I don't feel fair that only we (the journalist) have the chance to make the questions, so I decided that WE (the fans)...
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    Some Help: Urban Legends

    Well, besides I'm currently writting for a quite new literature magazine and for the upcoming I have to write and article about Urban Legends. I know there's a lot of people for different countries here and it'll be really nice if you share the most important, impressive or just...
  9. C

    Favourite Albums

    Well this thread have might already existed in the past, but since I'm new here... The thing is to mention our favourite albums ever. Of course to name just one is very difficult, but what about a top 5? That sounds good to me. So here are mines: 1.- Nikolo Kotzev - Nostradamus: I've...