Search results

  1. RedFox742

    Power Quest the Horse

  2. RedFox742

    Death and afterlife

    Do you believe in the afterworld or the afterlife? Do you agree there's a place for us beyond our life Where the timeless call for life is lost and you will see The forgotten dreams that you once had become reality - Gamma Ray, "Afterlife" Been thinking a lot about death lately, from a more...
  3. RedFox742

    Billy Joel

    I've been on a major Billy Joel kick lately; curious what other people here think of him. ^ this song in particular.
  4. RedFox742

    Songs you want to hear power-metal covers of

    First two on my list: "Thriller", Michael Jackson; (how epic would this be; the vocals are already in the right register!!) "The Time Warp," from Rocky Horror (again, vocals are already high, perfect sing-along chorus, and the tap-dance as a drum solo would be sweet.) Go!
  5. RedFox742

    Just to keep track...

    Just how inbred is the german power metal scene? Pink Cream 69 is touring with Helloween. meanwhile Dennis Ward is playing in Unisonic. and Kai and Kiske will be touring together in Avantasia. so we've got... a band touring with its ex-singer's current band, while its guitarist plays in THAT...
  6. RedFox742

    Christian metal you like

    I'm not a hugely religious person myself--I don't care too much one way or another, and people yelling about how much they do (one way or another) tends to annoy me. But I am interested in the phenomenon of Christian metal, proclaiming a message of respect, deference, and redemption through...
  7. RedFox742

    Anthrax joke on public radio (seriously)

    From a recent episode of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me..." on NPR: Just thought that might amuse you all. :p
  8. RedFox742

    The Subjectivity of Artistic "Quality"

    We tend to express our opinions on how "good" or "bad" music--or anything else--is as if they were provable facts. Especially online, people tend to argue over quality as if there was an objective standard for it to be held by. Discuss: is there any objective standard to the concept of...
  9. RedFox742

    Catchy "heavy"-speedy alt-rock

    I'm not sure I'm a metal fan for the same reasons most people are. I love my music fast and somewhat aggressive, with epic themes beyond the normal pop drivel, but with certain pop sensibilities--a vocal focus, an ear-worm chorus. And I've noticed recently that I occasionally hear a song like...
  10. RedFox742

    The least disliked metal band?

    Basically, what band do you think almost nobody in metal would have too many negative things to say about? Iron Maiden comes to mind--it seems there's almost nobody in any metal subgenre who dismisses Maiden. Judas Priest is another. And Mastodon also seems to get nearly unrelenting praise...
  11. RedFox742

    Metal etymology

    Most terms used in metal there are fairly clear roots for--"black metal", of course, comes from the Venom album; "mosh" is, according to Wikipedia, Bad Brains' fault; "death metal" is a little less clear, but may refer to Death themselves. Etc. I've been asking people, however, if anyone...
  12. RedFox742

    Clean-vocal thrash

    What are the thrash bands out there with the most melodic vocals? Original Anthrax is a good example of what I'm looking for. In fact, if there's any metal outside the power/prog genres with clean/melodic vocals, I'd be interested.
  13. RedFox742

    Most Bizarre Stories of Metal Bands

    Hey everyone, I'm working on a small writing project chronicling some of the wackiest and strangest histories of heavy metal bands (of any genre). I have a few down, but I could use some more. So far I have: - Mayhem (obviously) - Motley Crue (also obviously) - Vengeance Rising...
  14. RedFox742

    The Gregarious Raconteur?

    I was just randomly thinking today about how funny it was that Matt wrote and recorded a song for, of all things, a guest on a sportscaster's podcast. And then I wondered if the podcast still uses the song at all, to introduce that guy when he appears, or what? And if the audio of them...
  15. RedFox742

    Hey, Steve...

    Sitting here packing some stuff and watching the PGA Tour and suddenly wondered if anyone ever jokes about you caddying for Tiger Woods. :D
  16. RedFox742

    Cain's offering

    --the lower case implying the biblical reference. As I recall (and this might be a bit fuzzy), Cain and Abel were each to give offerings to God. Abel gave the best of his flock, but Cain gave inferior crops because they were just going to be burned anyways. God was pleased with Abel, but...
  17. RedFox742

    DF owes Steve royalties?

    HEY. Mr. Williams has a SONGWRITING credit on that, gents. He awaits his cut! :p
  18. RedFox742

    Cemetery Gates / Lion King AMV

    Hey all, My sister's started doing these cut-a-movie-to-a-song things lately. I like to think she's better at it than most. :D Anyways, I challenged her to do something with Cemetery Gates. What she put together floored me. Everything matches perfectly. Enjoy! Hope this can be a little spot...
  19. RedFox742

    Newcomer Approaches...!

    I hope I haven't managed to miss an intro thread... Anyways, just wanted to say that I think Theocracy is producing some of the best and most original power metal out there. I've had the self-titled for a few months now and keep find myself returning to it, so I figured I'd come here and say...