Search results

  1. W

    My Arms, Your Hearse... I'm starting to really dig it.

    I've never been able to get into Opeth's first 3 albums. There have been times where I thought Morningrise, for example, was interesting (like, the first week I had it), but they could never hold my attention for very long. Well, Orchid and Morningrise I still don't like, but for the last...
  2. W

    Another new Megadeth track, "1320"

    1320 And here's the other track that's been released, if you haven't heard it yet. Headcrusher Seems like this is going to be the first good Megadeth album in 15 years. Good Megadeth is great music to me, so I'll be biting.
  3. W

    New Megadeth actually sounds like golden age Deth

    I was messing around on youtube and found a new Megadeth song. It's actually as good as their classic stuff. Sound quality is bad because this was apparently recorded over the phone (wtf?), but it's listenable enough. This band fell off my radar a long time ago, but I may have to pick this...
  4. W

    Lyrics you took the wrong way...

    On the Death song "1,000 Eyes," at the end when Chuck screams: "We. Are. En. Slaved. NOOOOOW!" I thought for a second that he meant the band was changing their name to Enslaved. Even as I thought it I knew that wasn't what he meant, but it still amused me. What are some lyrics...
  5. W

    Your 3 favorite King Crimson albums...

    It should be fun to see how people answer this (aside from the one album we know will be in most peoples' lists), since King Crimson has been all over the place in their long-spanning career. In the Court of the Crimson King Starless and Bible Black Discipline The best album they put...
  6. W

    Is 80's Metallica overrated?

    I think so. I see too many people point to 80's Metallica as the pinnacle of the metal genre.
  7. W

    Best Killswitch Engage stuff?

    What the topic says. Looking for new progressive death metal stuffs and figured I'd give these guys a try.
  8. W

    Does it bother you when people write off a band as trash because of the genre?

    Just wondering how open minded people on this board are. I see lots of people on the internets discounting music because of genre. For instance: "They were blasting some stupid emocore shit." Since I'm starting first, I'll say that yes, it does bother me a bit when people trash entire...
  9. W

    What are the 5 most important bands in modern metal?

    You can define importance however you want: future influence; innovation; popularity; etc. I've realized that I'm pretty out of touch with the metal scene these days. I haven't really been listening to much new metal, and only pick up new stuff from bands I got into 4 or more years ago...
  10. W

    Between the Buried and Me

    First off, I did use the search function. The function doesn't allow for words consisting of less than four letters, so I had to reduce it to "between buried". The search only went back to mid November of this year, and no results for this band were found on the Opeth forums. So I don't...
  11. W

    Greatest metal Christmas albums of all time?

    What's your favorite metal Christmas albums?
  12. W

    Ghost Reveries appreciation thread *FUCKING DOT*

    Ever since registering here and looking through various threads, I see constant bitching about Ghost Reveries from just about everybody. WTF? Am I the only person here who thinks it's Opeth's best album so far? Opinions are opinions, but one thing is certain: GR is undeniably the best...