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    Does anyone use them on drums anymore? I am going after a more retro drum sound (early 80's feel) I have a well played/recorded drum track, should I use gates on everything or should I just automate out the junk?
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    Fans everywhere

    Seen a recording studio ad on Craigslist Rochester NY and decided to check their link out. Check out the guy's shirt.
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    Band logo design

    Does anyone know where to get a custom one done? Has to be professional! Not some kid with default photoshop fonts. Thanks!
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    Opinions on RME products

    Particularly the Multiface 2.
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    Interface question

    I use an Echo Layla 3G PCI interface. I have had it for quite some time and it's always worked pretty good. I recently purchased a new computer from a pro-audio builder and have been experiencing some software lock up issues. I use Sonar X1E 64 bit. I have all the latest revisions, software...
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    Any Sonar users here?

    Quick question. When exporting raw tracks if you have the option box checked for volume / mute automation. Will the exported raw track reflect a lower volume if your fader was set low? Kinda hard to explain, I hope someone gets it, lol.
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    WTB: Waves C4

    I am looking for this plug, don't really want to spend $250.00 for it new and I would like to own it legit. Can ownership be transfered? If so, I am interested.
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    Crazy Edit** Didn't see the other thread, sorry!
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    Bass tracks

    Does anyone know a bass player that can create and record bass guitar tracks for a fee?
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    Drum service?

    Are there any drummers here for hire? Just putting out feelers for someone that could possibly play and record drum parts for me. Thanks!
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    Superior drummer advice

    Hello all, I was wondering how most of you go about mixing drums, providing you use software as I do, whether it be Superior, Slate etc. Do you send each drum individually to a track? Do you use the mixer in your software and send to a stereo track? I'm not really sure what the best...
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    Ermz systematic guide questions

    I bought Ermz guide and have a few questions about guitar EQ. #1 - He doesn't talk about Amp sims, only real amps. Does the same EQ filtering he speaks of with real amps apply to sims? Do they need any special treatment he doesn't cover? #2 - Quad tracking, Do I take two guitars left, buss...
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    Softube Metal Amp Room

    Can you load impulses like Redwirez into it? Or can you at least shut off the cabinet and use your own impulse loader? Thanks!
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    Tracking rhythms, one guitar?

    Would it be better to track using two different guitars for rhythms or just use one? I have a strat and a jackson, both use Duncan pickups. The Jackson is a neck through and a bit heavier, giving it a darker tone. But will it make a huge difference considering both will be heavy distorted tracks?
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    Superior cymbals

    Can you get usable cymbals with Superior drummer? I was listening to some Sturgis cymbals and they sound pretty good, just wondering if I can get Superior drummers cymbals to sound as good as them? I have the Metalheads and metal foundry expansions. I have zero experience with Kontakt 5...
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    Drum creation

    Anybody here create midi drums for people? Specifically using Superior drummer? Sorry in advance if this is the wrong forum to be asking. I usually create them myself, but I would like to hear what someone else can do.
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    Slate to Superior

    How can I use Slate samples in Superior drummer. Is it possible? Thank you!
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    Need opinions

    Quick 30 second clip, could I please get some opinions on the guitar sound? Thanks guys!
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    64 bit

    Is moving from 32 to 64 bit a huge difference? Is it worth the money involved to upgrade? Thank you