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  1. viewerfromnihil

    RIP Vinnie Paul

    Fight me.
  2. viewerfromnihil

    NFL 2018

    I'm pretty happy with Dallas's moves in the off-season draft picks thus far. The defense was mostly solid last year except for when Lee wasn't in the line up. Hopefully Vander Esch can help to shore this up. I was hoping they would draft an offensive lineman high, but didn't think it was going...
  3. viewerfromnihil

    Drafts and accidental deletions

    @MetalAges Hey Deron, I had a monster message typed out and my touch pad deleted it. I know drafts were saved, but is there anyway to recover them? I will unfortunately have to retype all this crap again when I have the inclination #GMDSocial problems.
  4. viewerfromnihil

    Disappointment and Expectation

    Went out with the multi-culturalist-relativist-feminist girl for nepalese food earlier. I was disappointed that she didn't pick up the bill since I have the last few times--think like 3 occasions spanning a few months. She picked up the bill on our second outing together, after she said...
  5. viewerfromnihil

    The "Education" Thread

    Many of us who post on here are college students and/or educators, so I was surprised to find that there is not a thread directly pertaining to the subject matter. Post here what you're doing for school, what you're going to do, and what you're doing for your transcript. I attend a CC at the...
  6. viewerfromnihil

    RIP Joseph LaCaze of Eyehategod He passed on August 23rd. Considering he was the only drummer for EHG, it's hard to say what may become of the band. I turned down an opportunity to see them last time they came through town and wish I hadn't. The two times I...
  7. viewerfromnihil

    An offer you can't refuse.
  8. viewerfromnihil

    The mathiest of the "math" bands

    I'm looking for the craziest, most pain in the ass bands that you guys know of. In terms of timing and technicality that is. A friend and I have been working on material for his senior recital that is pretty difficult and I've been trying to find something else out there that ranks up to it. I...
  9. viewerfromnihil

    Atheist I don't like it, but it's not as bad as I was expecting. However, I'm still anticipating the album sucking.
  10. viewerfromnihil

    iPod or Zune? I don't want either.

    My beloved 80 GB iPod finally died on me after 3 years of abuse. Now I'm caught with a bit of a problem... I hate the new iPods and Zunes also have their flaws. So, I've been on a search for a new MP3 player and it's not going too well so I ask of your help. Do you guys know of any +60 GB...
  11. viewerfromnihil

    Oops... A couple of years ago, me and some friends were at this local music festival and we thought it would be funny if we put on corpse paint and ran around doing stupid shit. I'm now lumped in with these fags thanks to these pictures... :lol:
  12. viewerfromnihil


  13. viewerfromnihil

    Shit yeah!

  14. viewerfromnihil

    Bloodbath Merch is back

    Be happy.
  15. viewerfromnihil

    Need some ideas...

    Me and the old admin of MoshTalk are getting another forum going but we're having trouble thinking up a name, do you guys have in suggestions for the site name? Oh and, Andy, go ahead and lock this in a couple days, I'm just having trouble thinking of anything and need some ideas.
  16. viewerfromnihil


  17. viewerfromnihil

    Great Concert...

  18. viewerfromnihil

    High tempo, fast paced Jazz...

    Recommendations plz. I've been listening to a bunch of Big Band Jazz lately and am starting to move deeper into it. I'm not a big fan of the slower stuff but I love the fast stuff.
  19. viewerfromnihil

    1957 vs. 2009 Obviously there are some exaggerations but none the less, much of it is built on truth. Interpret it in your own way.