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  1. Val Allen Wood


  2. Val Allen Wood


  3. Val Allen Wood


  4. Val Allen Wood


  5. Val Allen Wood

    Cover Songs!

    Decided to have some fun and do a cover recently! Hope you enjoy!
  6. Val Allen Wood

    Theocracy gear!

    SOLD! Thanks guys!
  7. Val Allen Wood

    How many of you...

    think I could do the music or just audio samples for the next Terminator movie!? :)
  8. Val Allen Wood

    Hello friends! :)

    If you could spare a moment and give me a quick vote on this site that would be wonderful! I'm trying to spread the word about my latest songs and climb the charts! All you do is log in with your Facebook! Thanks ahead of time! <3
  9. Val Allen Wood

    New ArtEfekt track!

    I know some (most) of you don't give a rats about my bass project but I decided to post this here anyways! This is a brand new original I wrote with a very heavy metal influence! It's free for Download just click the link! If you're on Facebook please support me and give me a like! Thanks guys...
  10. Val Allen Wood

    Theocracy Guitar Video

    What song would y'all like to see played the most for a guitar video??? :) Can't say Demon obviously because it has already been done. :loco::loco::loco:
  11. Val Allen Wood

    A little taste from Finland ;)

    I had a friggin' BLAST!!!
  12. Val Allen Wood


    If any of you guys have a facebook it would be AWESOME if you could take a minute and like my side project DJ page! It would be greatly appreciated :worship::worship::worship:
  13. Val Allen Wood

    I cannot...

    wait to see the reaction of you metal fanatics on this upcoming album! I am just as excited as everyone on this forum! Sounds so good gonna make you wanna slap yo mamma!
  14. Val Allen Wood


    I don't think any of you know this but I LOVE EDM (Electronic Dance Music). I create Dubstep on my spare time! Hope you guys enjoy! You have to be very open minded for this! Love you guys!
  15. Val Allen Wood

    Why did Andy Lee quit!!???

    Can anyone please answer this??...I am so bummed out...
  16. Val Allen Wood

    Just a thought and remider...

    I can honestly say that I have had, by far, the hardest week and a half of my life recently. Most of it is too personal and I can't really discuss it publicly. I am just here to remind you to not lose your faith despite of any situation, challenge, or dilemma that you might face in this life. We...
  17. Val Allen Wood


    Alright guys. I noticed that a lot of people have had a numerous amount of requests to make another rehearsal video mainly pointing to "On Eagles' Wings" shortly after "Martyr Rehearsal" video was released. I am here for you guys to give me your thoughts and opinions about why you would want to...
  18. Val Allen Wood

    Solo album is FINISHED!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I have officially finished my solo album I started working on about 3 years ago. I put up my last song a few minutes ago called Phrygian Lesson 101. I hope you guys enjoy it and give me some feedback. It's been quite a while since my last song. Rock on...
  19. Val Allen Wood

    Calling ALL guitar players on this forum!

    I need help. I really want to purchase this model. Maybe Santa will be generous enough to treat me to it :Saint: Possibly the exact one but maybe not. I've wanted a new model from Ibanez for a while now and it just happens that one of my favorite guitar players plays one. I know it's an Ibanez...
  20. Val Allen Wood

    Identify this guitar.

    I know it's an Ibanez prestige I just can't find the model! Any help would be great!