Search results

  1. brianhood

    Now Hiring at The Six Figure Home Studio

    The Six Figure Home Studio is growing and expanding to be more than just a blog. Soon, we will have a podcast, live events, online courses, and partnerships with producers and brands from around the world. We need a full-time assistant to help bring future plans to fruition. This position is...
  2. brianhood

    How many of you guys are trying to go full-time with this?

    I know I kind of fell off that map from this forum, but it's been cool to see how many guys from the "old days" have made a career out of this. Which of you current regulars are full time, and who are still working towards it? Shameless plug: I did write an article about this subject -...
  3. brianhood

    From Shit To Gold (and your studio's first paid project)

    I'm getting ready to open up From Shit To Gold for registration again, if anyone is interested. I'll also be including a free guide to getting your studio's first paid project for those who sign up to the mailing list. Here is a before/after one of my students...
  4. brianhood

    Fucking Tax Season For Home Studios (poll)

    The dreaded tax season has arrived, so I wrote a (hopefully helpful) article about how I handle taxes for my home studio. Whether you pay taxes for your production work or not, this is worth checking out. I cover a few good reasons to be...
  5. brianhood

    Recording Your Sessions To Dropbox

    Hey guys, I've been experimenting with recording and mixing my sessions straight to dropbox, and it's been absolutely fantastic for me. I always have a copy of the session in "the cloud", and since I have a 1,000 gig storage limit, it's more than enough for all of my active sessions. This is as...
  6. brianhood

    Mixing/Mastering From A Laptop with Ipod Headphones (for fun)

    Hey guys, I recently went through the hassle of downloading/installing pro tools 10 and all my plugins on my laptop just for a fun portable rig to do bullshit editing work remotely. I'm currently sitting at a coffee shop (doing said bullshit editing work), and I had a fun thought (probably due...
  7. brianhood

    How To Mix Ass-Crushing Heavy Bass Guitar

    Hey dudes! I made a new tutorial yesterday. I'm starting to take more time to make these free videos for youtube to make up for the past year I spent making videos for an expensive ass online course. Trying to balance out my life karma or something haha. Let me know what you think, and let me...
  8. brianhood

    How To Create Unique Drum Tones Using “Basic Bitch” Drum Samples

    I just release a free video from my (not free) mixing course, and I'm hoping it can help some of you today. This is where I see most of the newer guys fall flat on thei faces, and it's such an easy thing to fix... They keep using these basic-bitch Steven Slate Drum samples in their mixes...
  9. brianhood

    I Made A Not-Shitty, Not-Boring Mixing Course (And Called It "From Shit To Gold")

    Here is the rundown of what this course is and what it includes: - I spent 6 months creating this course out of thin air. It includes 65 videos split into 5 "modules" (9 hours of total content). - I keep it interesting by not having a basic-bitch monotone voice. - I show you things I've...
  10. brianhood

    Trigger 2 Update Is Finally Here!!!!

    Except not. Seriously, it's been almost a year and a half since the last Trigger 2 update. This is one of the most unstable and unusable plugins I own, and it's frustrating because it's one of their flagship products. They seem to just be neglecting it. I'm done with this rant, but am...
  11. brianhood

    Come Rip An Old Pro's Mix Apart...

    I just finished up a mix for an undisclosed project, and would love to gather some revisions from you guys. What would you change in this mix? What could be better?
  12. brianhood


    In all seriousness, I can't believe someone is trying to sell the most overused kick sample ever made, and pass it off as his own sample. Anyone remember what that kids drum sample "company" name was?
  13. brianhood

    I Publicly Shared ALL Of My Studio's Income, Expenses and Tax Numbers From 2014.

    link below Hit me up in here or my blog's comments if you have any questions or just want to yell at me (make sure to use ALL CAPS if you're yelling, just so I know).
  14. brianhood

    A TSE x50 test that doesn't suck ass

    I got a chance to fuck around with TSE x50 tonight, and this is what I came up with. I'll definitely be using the reamps I did with my Kemper in the final mix, but I thought the tone I got with this was very usable. If you want settings, let me know. And if you want to just call me garbage...
  15. brianhood

    The Evolution of the Modern Metal Producer

    I brought up a discussion in the Pro Tools 12 thread, and it was too off topic. I wanted to start a new thread for this discussion. I'm not sure if i'm biased because I'm starting to take this stuff more seriously, but it seems that there has been a natural evolution of recording engineers...
  16. brianhood

    What Can Two Dead Men Teach Audio Engineers About Efficiency?

    Hey guys! I have this nasty habit of writing unnecessarily detailed articles about how I think you should run your recording studio. Hopefully this helps some of you guys out, and if not, just tell me how much you hated the article...
  17. brianhood

    Counterparts type band with an unusual mix

    I'm trying some new shit questions, criticism, advice, or comments are welcome.
  18. brianhood

    I'm giving away a couple of my personal snare samples from 456 Recordings

    Yo guys, I'm about to launch a new drum sample subscription service, and I'm giving away two of my personal snares to promote it. I will be recording at some very nice studios here in Nashville every month, and will be working with some pretty cool producers in the...
  19. brianhood

    I'm giving away a couple of my personal snare samples from 456 Recordings

    I've relocated this to the correct sub forum (backline), because my bad.
  20. brianhood

    When Enough is Enough: How to Deal with Picky Bands Ethically

    In case you missed this last week: This is a skill that every single producer needs to know. Being a pushover is a great way to ruin a mix that you've worked hard to perfect, but there is a right and a wrong way to say "no."