Search results

  1. divine_torture

    I need a good list from the last 2 or 3 years

    I wanna hear what was great I missed in the following categories: Slam/brutal death metal Death Metal Depressive Suicidal Black Metal Atmospheroc Black Metal USBM Death/Black or War And any stuff from older bands that have come out. Like, idk, has Dead Congregation or Teitanblood or Krohm or...
  2. divine_torture

    The Illness and (Un)Health Thread

    So I am pretty sick because (I assume) of an abscesses tooth and decided I want to complain and discuss the nasty, gross bits of existing. Are you sick? Wanna talk about your cold or oozing infection? Please, feel free to disgust and complain here. About my tooth: it's been bad for a long...
  3. divine_torture


    Then we took a moment to cradle the answer. Time hug a friend. Punch a friend. Eat an egg. You want my wipes, don't you. Indeed, old man. Indeed.
  4. divine_torture

    Your Age

    How old are all you fuckers? I'm 24 tomorrow. YAY!
  5. divine_torture

    Genital Piercings?

    Who here has their wang (or cooter) crammed with metal? If not, would you? I most certainly do not have extra holes in my humpin' stick, nor do I forsee myself having this done in the future. I have had a couple girlfriends make this request, to which I responded with a hearty five across the...
  6. divine_torture


    Anyone else follow bobybuilding (specifically Mr. Olympia)? Some of us have been discussing things related, so I thought I'd start a thread. Who's your favorite bodybuilder? Who do you see coming up in the sport? Etc. Personally, I'm all for Branch Warren, but Victor Martinez is a god damned...
  7. divine_torture

    Shorts or Jeans/Pants?

    Do you prefer wearing shorts or jeans/pants? I fucking depsise shorts so much it's ridiculous. I think I was maybe 5 the last time I wore a pair of shorts honestly.
  8. divine_torture

    Central Illinois Metalfest

    I can't make it to MDF, but this one I can. Anyone here going?
  9. divine_torture

    The Health, Fitness, and Workout Thread

    About a month ago I began working out again. I've also made some changes to my diet. After all the drugs I'm really into being healthy again and was curious if anyone else here does any working out or takes any sort of supplements and the like. Some of the stuff I've picked up and found...
  10. divine_torture

    Black History Month (Let's Remember)

    And also:
  11. divine_torture

    The MLB Thread

    It's the World Series, yet still no baseball thread? Fuck you guys. Fuck the Cardinals. The series is now tied 1-1. After Texas spanks the Cards, next year I'll bump this thread for my rigorous Cubs fandom.
  12. divine_torture

    The Official "Happy Birthday, d_t" Thread

    It's my birthday! :muahaha:
  13. divine_torture

    The Depression (and mocking/support) thread

    Since everyone knows I'm in hell, I figured this is a good time for a new thread for those of us in a rough spot. Maybe you need a smack in the face. Maybe you need a hug (internet hugs still feel pretty good...mostly because there's not actual physical contact. Ha!). I suddenly became a...
  14. divine_torture


    Let's discuss desserts and other sweet things that fat bastards such as myself love. Personally, CHEESECAKE. My girlfriend is a pastry chef/baker whatever. She makes cheesecake as a specialty, and I love every single one.
  15. divine_torture

    Favorite song from 'Morbid Tales'/'Emperor's Return'

    I have always been fond of 'Procreation of the Wicked', but everyone I ever talk to has a different favorite. Just curious here... EDIT: Fuck! I accidentally added Emperor's Return in the title not thinking. Ignore that. Just Morbid Tales.
  16. divine_torture

    Lulzy Paradoxes (or Oxy Morons)

    I'll start with basics, then everyone lulz it up. Jumbo shrimp Military intelligence Almost candid Constant variable Speechless Dodens Giant dwarf Great Depression And so on...
  17. divine_torture

    The Foul Odor Thread

    So, my cat puked today. First off, it was really weird to see a cat puke. I was very worried about her, and she seemed to be in pain. :( However, only moments after the vomiting, my nostrils were filled with the absolute FOULEST stench I've ever encountered. I have smelled rotting corpses...
  18. divine_torture

    This year is different...happy b-day, me!

    I haven't celebrated my birthday since I was 8. Seriously. This year I'm 21, I have my son, the legal issues, etc...This time I want to enjoy myself. The 14th. Which means that I can see Secrets of the Moon with a buzz. YAY!
  19. divine_torture

    Heavy, slow, thick, evil black metal

    Ok, you all know I listen to alot of black metal, but I'm really looking for something very particular. Something slower, maybe mid paced, with thicker guitars than most black metal and audible riffs. Heavy, maybe even with palm mutes, very dark and/or evil atmosphere with minimal depressive...