Search results

  1. The StabbinCabin

    Harm's Way - Infestation - Drum Cover Video

    Yo! Haven't posted in here in a few years. If any of you OG Sneapsters are still around I'd love to hear from you! I'm still at it here in Sacramento. Anyway- a buddy of mine recently did a drum cover (and is doing more) at my spot, and my other homie handled video duties while I did sound...
  2. The StabbinCabin

    Yo Sneapsters

    Haven't been on this forum in forever- really since the glory days... Just wanted to say hey and if some of you OG guys wanted to reconnect or stay in touch or whatever shoot me a message or something! I'm on fb/ig pretty regularly for studio stuff- would be cool to see where everyone ended...
  3. The StabbinCabin

    DACs for 2014/2015

    I've been working with a few different clients along with other jobs and finally have some big-boy money to upgrade. Is Prism, Dangerous, Lavry, Mytek, Benchmak ect still the best I could get? I'm looking to improve my D/A since I'm primarily ITB for now. Fairly set on going Coleman and...
  4. The StabbinCabin

    Salythia - "Affliction" Music Video

    Hey everyone- I just wanted to share some music of a band I've been working with for the past few weeks. I feel I owe it to them because they've helped me significantly with keeping my doors open at my studio. Anyway, young dudes and they shred pretty hard. The mix and recording process was...
  5. The StabbinCabin

    Ashly VCA Compressor/Limiter

    Just grabbed a CL-50. That and the CS-50 are supposes to get pretty snappy like a DBX160 but they have variable attack/release. No threshold. They're supposed to be pretty cool with mods, which I plan on doing and posting results. Any dudes on here using these on the usual applications...
  6. The StabbinCabin

    Benchmark Preamps (MPS400)

    I can't find much about this 4ch pre... Other than the Benchmark stuff getting compared to GML/Grace and stuff when people have posted looking for a 4/8ch pre. The converters are supposed to be nice so I'm curious how these pres stack up to the usual go-tos. Has anyone ever heard these things?
  7. The StabbinCabin

    Favorite mics for room/ambience

    I'm looking to upgrade from my NT2s. Been doing some browsing with some mixed results. Anyway- I'm looking for something that just doesn't have that gross presence peak cheaper Rodes do. I'm not really at a point to drop dough on something vibey like a Royer or stuff thats 1200USD or more per...
  8. The StabbinCabin

    Alarm and surveillance setups for studio

    Pricing stuff out. My place is in the ghetto- like full-clip gunshots a block away ghetto. I have window cages and an outer cage and deadbolts on every door but I'd like more lockdown. Right now the cameras I have use outdated connectors and the alarm system is outdated and tied to a company...
  9. The StabbinCabin

    Somewhat recent session (Northlane-ish)

    Band I recorded in some pretty wacky conditions back in October. Drums were a lower end Tama and Dominion snare in a construction site I was working on because the place I had fell through. I had no separation from anything and almost no time to play with getting tones. The drums are all...
  10. The StabbinCabin

    A/B/Y pedals

    I want to start layering amps but I'm not trying to shell out that kind of money for a JD-7 Any recommendations? I'm looking at different A/B/Y pedals but I'm not sure what I should be looking for or if building one would retain audio quality
  11. The StabbinCabin

    Potential studio and the headaches

    I need advice- Pretty much there is a turn key 2400 sqft studio (without equipment) here for rent for a very fair price. However the electrical is not up to fire code and is set up to a breaker where amperage isn't matched up and is a potential fire hazard. And everything for some lame...
  12. The StabbinCabin

    Recording drum shells separately

    I know a few producers that this is common practice and get really nice results with drastic eq on the shells and more flexibility with the rooms. What I'm trying to clarify is exactly how they handle that. I'm assuming that there might be an e-kit involved to maintain consistency in the...
  13. The StabbinCabin

    General approach on managing Time Usage

    I try and keep things like sims and other demanding plugs to a minimum- but I'm not sure if I'm alone when I'm in a session and find myself spending a little more time that I would like freezing and bouncing tracks, while the client is just kind of chilling. Anyway, this recent session I had...
  14. The StabbinCabin

    Warm Audio ToneBeast

    Check it out- looks way cool
  15. The StabbinCabin

    Oklahoma Tornado Fuuuck... Didn't see a thread on here about it. RedDog and co. can you guys fill is in? Are you guys okay or in that general area?
  16. The StabbinCabin

    Mixing (powerviolence) with one guitar track

    Not sure the setup they used- but I'm downloading the files from Dropbox as we speak and I have a 57 track and a 421 track of one guitar. Bass was split clean and into a Sansamp. Right now I'm either thinking a delay on rhythm and room mics behind it to fill it in or rather delaying the...
  17. The StabbinCabin

    Presonus Eureka Mod

    Any of you guys on here own one? I'm ordering new opamps right now and I think I'm going to go with a Cinemag transformer- I'm not sure though, comparatively how the prices are in comparison for a swap like it is with Jensen. I've done some reading on Gearslutz but haven't seen much with...
  18. The StabbinCabin

    Useless superpower

    I would be able to control the length of my eyeballs- except I would max out at about 30 inches or so and it would be painful and slow. They would still be hyper sensitive to dust and things and my heroic moments would mostly be spent fishing things out of sewage drains and other various...
  19. The StabbinCabin

    Portland and Seattle folk

    Sacramento music scene is dead. The Artery Foundation has a complete stranglehold on any musical activity and scoops up pretty much any modern music that pops up. Too many people here that just aren't motivated enough to pick up an instrument and make something out of it. There literally are...
  20. The StabbinCabin

    Drugs and alcohol and inappropriate times for inspiration

    In my personal experience- I tend to have musical ideas at the worst times. When I am home and have a few hours before work I feel like it's impossible to get myself in a state of mind to write music that actually means something to me. Yet when I'm at work or about to go to sleep it's when...