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  1. DigitalViolence


    Anybody heard of them? They're an Australian Prog/Melo-Death band (I hate labels/sub-genre classifications). Anyway, after a listen on YouTube, I've picked up their latest album Of Breath And Bone and (not to put too fine a point on it) it's fucking immense. :kickass::rock: I've got the Remnants...
  2. DigitalViolence

    Ten Masked Men

    I've just come across this bunch of loonies. Basically, they take a cheesy pop song and do a death metal cover of it. Ever wanted to hear a death metal cover of Easy Lover by Phil Collins? No problem. Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake? The world is your lobster as some would say! Might...
  3. DigitalViolence

    Recording Journal Discussion Thread

    Thought I'd start a thread as the journal is locked to us mere mortals. Personally, I'm really looking forward to this album. Have you guys thought about filming parts of the recording with some camcorders? I think it would make for some interesting footage for a future DVD release or maybe...
  4. DigitalViolence

    ND and water

    There are an awful lot of water-based analogies and references in The Novella Reservoir. Was this a conscious thing or did it just turn out that way by accident?
  5. DigitalViolence


    I know ND isn't a full-time job for its respective members. So what do you guys (and other ND fans) do for a regular job? I know Paul does Graphic Design of some sort. I run my own business developing security guard patrol management systems (sounds much grander than it is). I'm a software...
  6. DigitalViolence


    Hi, I'm a 40 year old metal-head from the UK and a big Novembers Doom fan. I stumbled across this forum and I think it's great that the actual band members participate and interact with the fans in this way. I came to ND by way of The Novella Reservoir which I loved (Rain still blows me away...