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  1. Kanyon


    I have ADSL!!!:Spin: :rock: Just got it about 18 hours ago. On initial games of UT, it looks like this will make me 25% - 30% more deadly. It makes an unbelievable difference. I didn't realise how easy people were picking me off. I did realise how much of an uphilll struggle I had on dialup...
  2. Kanyon

    First Borknagar material you heard

    I've had a look through the past threads and I am also pretty sure that I haven't seen this topic before. But anyway, what was the first Borknagar material that you heard, roughly when and how/where? Just out of pure interest. For me: The Witching Hour Must have been 2000 sometime Actually...
  3. Kanyon

    Fields Of Long Gone Presence - Words?

    There are words in this aren't there? They are there, thats for sure... But what are the words? Does anyone know? And are they in English? Or do you think that they are actually not words?