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  1. Shpongled

    Just found this video of DNB live on YouTube

    Apparently it was previously unreleased until a couple days ago. From Athens in 2005. RIP WD :(
  2. Shpongled

    New Gojira

    After a couple audio cock teases (I fucking hate how they do this every time they put out an album), Gojira finally dropped a new song. It's actually damned good and I'm even more stoked for the album now.
  3. Shpongled

    I saw Ghost Ship Octavius on Friday

    They were really good. Watching Van play again brought back a lot of memories and made me realize how much I miss Nevermore. I'm not sure if they're going to tour or play more shows or what, but if they do they are worth going to check out, for sure.
  4. Shpongled


    You want some action in this forum, eh? Here you go. EDIT because I realized you're just a wasted dude out there somewhere probably laughing his ass off for no reason and honestly, that's kind of funny.
  5. Shpongled

    New At The Gates

    Pretty excited for this album. They've obviously still got it, nearly 20 years after their last album came out.
  6. Shpongled

    new Mastodon

    You guys heard this yet? It's awesome. This is one of those rare bands where I prefer the new stuff compared to older material. This album continues in that trend. About 2 years ago, a buddy of mine mentioned the vocals on The Hunter sound reminiscent of Ozzy, and ever since then I can't...
  7. Shpongled

    Album of the year - 2013

    What say you? For me, I have to default toShpongle's Museum of Consciousness, as it was fairly decent return to form for them and I really enjoy it all the way through. For metal, the new Falkenbach is really great, as well as Labyrinth by Fleshgod Apocalypse. However, my #1 is going to...
  8. Shpongled

    Happy birthday Karen!

    Indeed! :rock:
  9. Shpongled

    Have you heard the new Gorguts?

    Sure beats the hell out of that Dead Winter bullshit. I am glad these dudes are at it again. I wasn't ready for this kind of metal when they were putting out their other albums. Now I get to re-visit all those as well, with a new appreciation and understanding.
  10. Shpongled

    Be'Lakor - Impressive band here

    Just discovered these guys from Australia. Ultra high quality melodic death metal. Worth a listen for sure!
  11. Shpongled

    Mt. Shuksan

    Just got back from a trip to Mt. Shuksan. Unfortunately I did not make it to the summit due to fatigue and lack of sleep, but 3 out of our group of 5 did get up there. Myself and one other stayed at camp on the Sulphide glacier at 6,500' and called it good from there. Some pics: Camp #1 on...
  12. Shpongled

    Wormed - Exodromos

    This shit is right up my alley. Brutal and fast and technical-but-not-too-technical, lots of good toilet vocals and some nicely placed grooves that aren't stupid. Early contender for AotY.
  13. Shpongled

    A sad reality

    Watching this forum dwindle down to nothingness the last couple months is honestly rather sad. As the latest threads wither and fall off into the empty, black, non-displaying-but-still-searchable abyss, I can't help but think of a rotting corpse slowly decomposing down to nothing but a...
  14. Shpongled

    #nevermore back up!

    IRC channel fixed and functioning properly again! slashnet #nevermore Join us!
  15. Shpongled

    Recommendation: Eternal Suffering

    These dudes perfected a style of music back in the 90s that is nowadays played out hard. This one of my favorite albums personally. It's raw as fuck (most likely recorded live in the studio), over-the-top in brutality, and just chock full of amazing riffs that make me want to run around in...
  16. Shpongled

    Recommendation: The Contortionist

    These guys are one of those do-it-all bands, similar to Between the Buried and Me, Textures, The Faceless (nowadays), etc. As is the case with most bands like this, it's hard to find one song from an album that represents the whole thing, but this one is a pretty good one. Ideally, this album...
  17. Shpongled

    Recommendation: Aegaeon

    This shit is what some people might call "core", but I don't give a damn about all that. These dudes do it right. Super fucking heavy and not a clean vocal to be found anywhere. Lots of juds and junts, and a healthy serving of bree. Just the way I like it.
  18. Shpongled

    I blasted some mountains and lakes this summer.

    Spent some time up on Lime Ridge in the Glacier Peak Wilderness over Labor Day weekend. It was quite an adventure. Started with a 12 mile bike ride with full packs on an old washed out river road to the trail head. Left on Wednesday night and got to the trail head around 11pm. Crashed out there...
  19. Shpongled

    Sarcastic band names

    Ever come up with a band name that you think would be hilarious, but just have no real reason to actually use? Me and my stupid friends come up with dumb shit all the time. Here are a few of the more memorable ones. 3 Hour Rape Shower Urethra Franklin (pretty sure there actually bands out...
  20. Shpongled

    Here's one for our good buddy Derek!