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    Niklas Sundin officially leaves Dark Tranquillity

    From their facebook page: Founding DARK TRANQUILLITY guitarist, Niklas Sundin, quits. Hi, As some of you know, I’ve had a break from playing with D.T. since 2016 in order to focus on family life. With the “Atoma” touring cycle now completed and a new album recording about to commence, the...
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    all new "NP" thread -

    Riverside - Time Travellers
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    Complete Piano Arrangement of the Haven Album

    Hello Guys, it's been some time since I posted here the last time, but I figured out this could still be a place where I can discuss this stuff with Dark Tranquillity fans (and sadly Facebook isn't really a place to do this). Thing is, as I like playing Piano, I took the time and effort to turn...
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    "I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

    Hey hey: It's been a very Long while, but I wanted to ask if this Forum still is "a bit" alive?
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    Reissues of Projector, Damage Done and Haven >> New T-shirts ?

    Does anyone know if there are new Album Shirts comming out along with the reissues of the previously anounced CD´s ? I´m asking because I´m looking for a Haven shirt and thought maybe they are going to be sold again because of the reissues.