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  1. J

    What happened to Paul?

    Wow Paul - I don't know you but a huge congrats on the impressive weight loss! I did not even recognize you when you took the stage on Friday night. Absolutely killer show guys! Can't wait for "Bled White" to come out - the tracks you played from the new album were awesome and I can't...
  2. J

    Caught a Novembers Doom mention in an unexpected place

    In addition to my love of all things metal, I am a huge baseball fan. I peruse the Reddit baseball boards all the time and just came across this gem: Apparently, the PA announcer for...
  3. J

    Happy Halloween

  4. J

    Happy Halloween

  5. J

    How do you celebrate?

    Needed a good reason to crack the first of my 3 Floyd's ragnarok porters. An epic Blackhawks Stanley cup win fits the bill. Here's to my Swedish heroes hjalmarsson, oduya, Kruger and stalberg, along with the guys in the best band on the planet. Fuckin' cheers! Hawks win!!!
  6. J

    Amon Amarth Studio Updates 2012

    Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods Amon Amarth's latest release is like a nice heated pool for me. It alters your sense of balance while being warm and comfortable. And not unlike a pool, it is also full of danger and can drown you if you're not careful. This album delivers from start to...
  7. J

    These are awesome

    Probably too hot to wear for more than 5 minutes but they look pretty sweet. Get yourself a custom Hegg:
  8. J

    Interview Questions: What do you want to know?

    This this guy ever post a link to his interview? I even looked over on his website and did not see it.
  9. J

    R.I.P. Compact Discs

    I know that Aphotic has been out for some time but I just recently got around to going to Best Buy to pick it up. Yikes - it has been awhile since I was at a Best Buy but holy cow has the CD section all but disappeared. I did not find Aphotic. I did not even find Novembers Doom slot. What...
  10. J

    SOLD OUT Chicago - April 14th - photos and video

    I know the show was sold out because they were turning away people with cash at the door. I was just curious so I asked the bartender what the capacity was - he pointed to the Chicago Fire Department occupancy certificate posted above the bar which conspicuously indicated an occupancy limit of...
  11. J

    SOLD OUT Chicago - April 14th - photos and video

    The occupancy for this room was 316 and there was at least 500 people there. Surtur Rising front to back in the first set and a second set that included Asator, 1000 Years of Oppression and a Victorious March/Gods of War Arise/Death in Fire was truly an honor to be at the opening...
  12. J

    APHOTIC - May 10th

    I can't wait to get my hands on this but why are new albums always released on Tuesdays? Why not Friday the week before, just in time for the weekend?
  13. J

    US Tour Setlist Thread

    Here's my guess for the first set tomorrow: War of the Gods Tock's Taunt Destroyer of the Universe Slaves of Fear Live Without Regret The Last Stand of Frej For Victory or Death Wrath of the Norsemen A Beast Am I Doom Over Dead Man
  14. J

    Interview Questions: What do you want to know?

    Nice - they seem like they have good senses of humor in the interviews I've seen so hopefully they'll be receptive. It looks like you're based in Chicago - I'll be there Thursday too. Have you ever been to the Bottom Lounge before? I am not sure what to expect.
  15. J

    How often and where have you seen AA live?

    Nov 2007 House of Blues, Chicago April 2010 Logan Square Auditorium, Chicago Next week - April 2011 Bottom Lounge, Chicago
  16. J

    Interview Questions: What do you want to know?

    What is something you wished would fit in your pocket? What is something that you should never dip French fries in? Who’s hotter - Joan Jett or Pat Benetar? Can a verbal agreement toll the statue of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit in Sweden? How about a statute of...
  17. J

    ND Sandwich

    That's hilarious - I couldn't believe that I would not have come up with the Nuge, too, but my itunes lists him as Ted Nugent, not Nugent, Ted. [He falls in right between Taco and Them Crooked Vultures.]
  18. J

    ND Sandwich

    I guess I thought it might be interesting (stupid but fun) to see the bands/artists that you have alphabetically before and after Novembers Doom on your artist cue - mine are Nile and Obituary...
  19. J

    'Exclusive Flaming Sword t-shirt'

    I opted for the CD/DVD + t-shirt combo - with shipping it was still less than $30. I think that is pretty reasonable and besides the best part of pre-orders is that they are in your mailbox at least a day or two before the official release date! I think the shirt is perfect. I am at an age...
  20. J

    Milwaukee Summerfest 2010!

    I wonder if God and Mother Nature are co-defendants.