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  1. L

    My copy of Till Fjälls...

    on another note, the misspelling of "om regbågen matrialiersades" in the cosmic genesis is quite funny too
  2. L

    new to vintersorg

    Cosmic genesis is the best! easy!
  3. L

    PREVIEW!!!!! (Tack Mr. V!)

    I kinda like it :)
  4. L

    Jaja, ännu en Otyg tråd...

    alltså jag har hört någonstans att skivan redan var inspelad och skulle släppas och allt när det blev en spricka i bandet
  5. L

    PREVIEW!!!!! (Tack Mr. V!)

    I found the preview quite weird, but that was because the first time i didn't know that there were many songs!
  6. L

    Sorry if its been done... But Cosmic Genesis is great!

    I concider Cosmis Genesis the best album so far. Been a while since i listened to it thou
  7. L

    The Nordic winter and the depression

    I am one with winter, i would love to have winter the entire year
  8. L

    Guess Who's Back!!!!!

    I'm Glad you're back.. so am i dear boy.. so am i.. gandalf my friend.. hmm . what's wrong with me?:OMG:
  9. L

    "The Focusing Blur"

    So... no vacation this summer :cool:
  10. L

    My first Hypocrisy cd...

    Yeah, that feeling is killer... I always have second thoughs about buying a cd from a band unknown to me.. my first introduction to hypocrisy was penetralia and abduction
  11. L

    PAIN Get 'Harder' And 'Groovier' On Fourth Full-Length Album

    AS long as it doesn't sound like e-type. Pain did really did go out with the previous album
  12. L

    Will we ever hear from OTYG again

    I'm guessing you're gonna make a lot of people happy if you play again. Including me :)
  13. L

    Finns det några spöken här?

    Härligt. Vilken tid?
  14. L

    Guess Slipknot is currently biggest influence eh!?

    As long as hypocrisy will sound a little lite hypocrisy they can go at either direction i think. But when they start using 3 drummers and screaming and mixing just like slipknot then i'm out of here!
  15. L

    hey Vintersorg...

    I've been styding psychology.. It was wierd :)
  16. L

    New interview with Vintersorg

    nice.... soon to read
  17. L

    HYPOCRISY & FLESHCRAWL Japan Tour 2002

    i'll vote for that.. i love cannibal corpse, come play at my club
  18. L

    I heard that...

    This is all a joke. Please not that the projekt War where all about nazi stuff, the booklet cointains ironcrosses and lots of nazicrosses, but have no fear. this is also a joke, not the booklet thing, the crosses are real, but it's a joke from tägtgren and his friends.
  19. L

    Wacken-pics ONLINE

    Will Do
  20. L

    What's the best or your favorite Hypocrisy album?

    Penetralia is my favorite, i like that raw sound and masse sings death much better then black.