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  1. great_kthulu


    I talked to Patrice at a gorguts show about 1.5 years ago, he said as far as he knows, there are no plans to continue the project........ Though Bart is apparently healthy again and is continuing to support their local scene.
  2. great_kthulu


    life is life.... Almost ten years since the masterpiece that is defiant imagination...
  3. great_kthulu

    Band Members section on

    I still creep here from time to time, so I hope not.
  4. great_kthulu

    Kiuas uses and abuses

    demo clip sounds really cool! I've been feverishly waiting some news since Asim's departure, so good to hear something! Even if it is just a 30 second clip.
  5. great_kthulu

    Random question

    If I remember right I think he's a brain surgeon
  6. great_kthulu

    Quo Vadis - the Guns n' Roses of DeathMetal?

    once again, hope your feeling better bart! Nice to know your still kicking! Hope you get things moving again soon, but obviously your health is first priority! Rock on man.
  7. great_kthulu

    Is anyone else on here in a band?

    vox-less practice vid from my band, we are planning on hitting the studio soon
  8. great_kthulu


    I will have to check them out!
  9. great_kthulu


    still waiting... Time to spin defiant imagination again
  10. great_kthulu

    Whast Going on In Doomland?

    Would love any updates myself, I know ND recorded a cover of wet leather by woods of ypres for a david gold tribute album, would love any updates of when thats coming out.
  11. great_kthulu

    The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

    thought crucify sounded pretty damn good, also, anyone around here listen to the vallenfyre album? I thought it was really good (BTW, been a fan since the focusing blur, great stuff!)
  12. great_kthulu

    Cover songs?

    hmm, that tull song would be awesome, I would say you guys should cover some classic prog rock, 21st century sciziod man anyone?
  13. great_kthulu

    Shameless Self-Promotion

    just looked through the photos, wow, looks like you guys really go the extra mile for your clientele. Especially when you consider most vids these days are shot entirely infront of a green screen.
  14. great_kthulu

    Ilja Jalkanen - whats he up to?

    here's a taste of what hes been doing:
  15. great_kthulu

    Macabre / Yakuza / ND @ Reggies THIS Friday - ROLLCALL!

    I have not found any yet, I'm still hoping some surface.
  16. great_kthulu

    Memorial Concert for David

    I know how you feel man. I need to get a passport and i'll be damned if I miss this because of something as silly as school and an 11 hour drive.
  17. great_kthulu

    Shameless Self-Promotion

    congratulations!! funny you should mention broadcasts of Autumn Reflections, I got into ND when I saw that video on havok TV on-demand!
  18. great_kthulu

    Quo Vadis is a thing of the past.

    wow, bart, I had know idea. Glad to know you are on the road to recovery though. Was actually just reacquainting myself with Defiant Imagination. Such an incredible disk!! Hoping to hear more soon. In the meantime my thoughts go out to your continued recovery.
  19. great_kthulu

    Kiuas in the USA

    still waiting for them to tour the us...
  20. great_kthulu


    man, I still need to get my passport, but good luck anyhow!