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  1. (The bass player)

    What are you doing right nao?

  2. (The bass player)

    Highlights of the year - 2018 edition

    2018 has been a fantastic year for great album releases so far! Judas Priest - Firepower Watain - Trident Wolf Eclipse Necrophobic - Mark of the Necrogram The Crown - Cobra Speed Venom Necros Christos - Domedon Doxomedon Solstice - White Horse Hill Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath Panphage - Jord...
  3. (The bass player)

    Grand Morbid Resurrection 2018

    I fucking love the new song...Nick sounds great and there is a very old school feeling to it. It is a simple and cathcy song not very unlike those on the first EP and I dig this alot! :headbang:
  4. (The bass player)

    Now playing thread

    Bloodbath - Bloodicide :kickass::headbang:
  5. (The bass player)

    Now playing thread

    Deicide - Seal The Tomb Below :headbang:
  6. (The bass player)

    Now playing thread

    Crucifyre - Hail Satan
  7. (The bass player)

    Grand Morbid Resurrection 2018

    New album looks sexy as fuck....more Satan=quality!
  8. (The bass player)

    Now playing thread

    Worship this maddafakkas! :kickass:
  9. (The bass player)

    Now playing thread

    Raise the horns and worship, you motherfuckers! DIE!!!
  10. (The bass player)

    Highlights of the year - 2017 edition

    Top 10 2017 I have mostly spent this year eating antidepressants and hating life and myself and it has reflected on my music listening in a big way. Black Anvil has not really made the best album this year but it is the one I have been listening the most to by far and it has been my go to...
  11. (The bass player)

    Death Metal Bands

  12. (The bass player)

    Mid-year highlights, the 2017 edition

    Yeah I saw Antichrist live way back in 2009 and they fucking sucked hahaha, I cannot take them seriously.
  13. (The bass player)

    Mid-year highlights, the 2017 edition

    I forgot to add Insulters - Metal Still Means Danger to my list. A splendid little piece of old school brutality.
  14. (The bass player)

    Mid-year highlights, the 2017 edition

    Thanks for the recommendation! :headbang: I think Sol Nox is the album of the year so far but I have not listened to it enough to compare it to Thaumiel yet.