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  1. R

    Your last travel setlist

    Bumping thread that shouldn't be silent... Was on a kick with ZZ Top because I had meet and greet tickets with them 6 months ago. Then I was on a Led Zep kick for several weeks, then somebody mentioned old Rush which got me on a kick for about a month of nothing but old Rush, then I had meet &...
  2. R

    Maiden Tunes

    Bump. Just wanna know the latest additions! Oh and two thumbs up on The Clansman! Oh, and to Doodoobubbachuck, howz that bam boom bang still going!?
  3. R

    Ultimate Metal is dying

    No doubt UM has gone silent compared to its hay day. I used to look forward to reading/posting on topics, so many good times and stories. I still poke in when I can.
  4. R

    So,it's London only again...

    Hey hey hey... I'm doing busier than I want (which sucks). A few years ago I had to start taking care of my dad (has Alzheimer's). That combined with a family and business travel makes it tough. That's why I haven't been around, but I haven't lost the desire to hang and see you ladies shred...
  5. R

    So,it's London only again...

    So what is your point? Myself, I can't get enough of maiden, whether it's the real band or cover. Don't judge a book by it's cover. If you saw these iron ladies perform, I think you'd be impressed and want to see them again. If you're implying that real bands are having a tough time staying...
  6. R


    When you make it to Miami, make sure to stop at Nicko's ribs place - Rock N Roll Ribs. The place is full of Maiden album and tour memorabilia and the ribs are to die for (boots on please).
  7. R

    Check this Street Drummer

    Linda, have you seen this? Impressive!
  8. R

    Happy Birthday to you, Mark!!!

    Happy belated bday!!! :kickass:
  9. R

    Megadeth - Free ticket to the Grove tonight!

    No takers. I know it was last minute but I found out last minute that I couldn't make it. Semi small venue like that with Megadeth cranked would've been awesome. It's tougher for me to get to the shows since getting married and having a baby, but my interest is the same. My daughter is now 3...
  10. R

    Megadeth - Free ticket to the Grove tonight!

    I have a ticket to the Megadeth show tonight at the Grove that I cannot make. First person to pm me their name and email and I'll send you the ticket.
  11. R


    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: Hope it was a good one!
  12. R


    Happy Birthday Jenna! :kickass:
  13. R

    Bruce Dickinson flys with the Ice Pilots

    Cool to see that vid made it to you tube. I work at Boeing and it was in the daily e-news, including the vid back on Monday. Unfortunately the company slaps "for internal use only", "All rights reserved", blah blah blah...all over it. So I can't copy/paste any of it. He did a visit back in...
  14. R

    The Iron Maidens just shy of 1 Million views on You Tube!

    That's amazing, it's climbed some 13,000+ views in a matter of just over 6 hours! Holy Smoke! :yow:
  15. R

    The Iron Maidens just shy of 1 Million views on You Tube!

    Ahhh... (just watched). Bump it up another notch! ...Whoa! it's at 980,304!!!
  16. R

    happy birthday to Bruce Dickinson!

    Happy Burp Day! :kickass:
  17. R

    Maiden Tour

    I remember that show...I was there! I still remember how I thought that intro sounded exactly like the real deal...because it was! The intro is totally Michael Kenney.
  18. R

    "All Time Favorite Maiden Album"?

    The impression I got from the interview is that it's an open ended plot, more of a "what if this, what if that, etc.". Dig up got it.
  19. R

    Maiden Tour

    I'll be out of town and can't make it...:mad:
  20. R

    "All Time Favorite Maiden Album"?

    Back when the album came out I recorded the 7th son interview with the band that was aired on the radio (KNAC's Metal Shop). Very cool as it included the history of maiden up to that point as well. I haven't listened to it in a while, but my recollection was that Steve Harris said the concept...