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  1. KirillM

    "Pharaoh" vocals - can you do it?

    holy shit. I just logged in for the first time in 7 years. totally forgot I made this thread. never got around to do Pharaoh, tho, we had some changes and we had to mix some existing tracks instead.
  2. KirillM

    "Pharaoh" vocals - can you do it?

    Hi, I have an audio recording/mixing class and we've entered the pratical lessons phase where we actually mix stuff (it was all theory before that) and I thought I'd tackle something my own music sounds like, which is very similiar to SX's "Pharaoh". So, what I'm gonna do is, record guitar...
  3. KirillM

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    You know, for some stupid reason I always thought DI boxes were just 1 input and 1 output... My bad
  4. KirillM

    FS: Superior2+The Lost NY Studios+Metal Foundry

    oops, I must be blind, I didn't see the FS prefix. I'm sorry
  5. KirillM

    FS: Superior2+The Lost NY Studios+Metal Foundry

    what do you mean interested?
  6. KirillM

    How do you guys approach tracking solos?

    I guess it all comes down to want you want to do. But there can be some horrible results. For instance Dragonforce's technically praised "Through The Fire And Flames" solo was recorded in chunks. It's great (well, at least it's played great, even if you don't like this solo) on the record but...
  7. KirillM

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    Oh, well I guess I didn't read that carefully then. There are tools for reamping that are basically splitters, I guess those would be more useful. You wouldn't have to use any amp sim, but instead your own amp. Connect your guitar to it and there's two outputs, one for your sound card and the...
  8. KirillM

    Preparing your tracks for reamping: A Guide

    Pardon me if this has been answered but why would I want to use an amp sim (as the first post suggests) on my dry, reamp, track? Isn't the whole point of reamping to use no effects, no nothing on it? I mean, I will be running it through an amplifier anyway.