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  1. F

    New COB Merchandise!

    i dont reallly like those scythes.. the otherone whit COB written is really great.. still i cnanot have a COb shirt, i lose 30 buck bying one,. and my father take it :( haha i guess i will try for this one anyway, he look killer.. 30$.. *sigh*
  2. F

    What I and many others would like to do.......

    hey keep in mind that bush and sadam are moron, but actually you gotta kwon that Sadam is THE asshole ofthe moment. He's the kind of guy who will kill innocent people, lot more than bush will ever do. Still, i hate bush anyway. B.T.W: funny pix i laught my ass off when i saw it :P
  3. F

    cob approved?

    This is really sick. i cannot believe someone could even think of doing this. If i would see the guy that do this, i would fucking kill him... well no.. but actually some guy in the world need psychotic help... i cannot believe some guy cant read this andsay: cool or this was hot. it's fuckin'...
  4. F

    French thread

    ya peut etre pas d'francais ici mais ya un québécois... on est surement les seules personen sur la terre a parler et francais et anglais, mais personne nous comprend there may be no frecnh guy in here, but at least there's a "quebecois".. Fuckin come from Quebec, canada! we're probably the...
  5. F

    What do want to do with George W. Bush?

    this tread make no sense.. some people are saying they dont want the war, but r all ready to kill any american who does want it.. your all cracked up, were suppose to talk about music in here
  6. F

    Silent night live video

    whoa guy c'mon and look around all those video can be TRADED on mIRC or just ask me for some on my email adress. Icq is also The Place... altought i wanna have this DVD... An1 one got the complete live at kerea BTW i desesperaly need to see it all. i just start downloading it but the fuckin pc...
  7. F

    Needled 24/7 Video!

    my ICQ: 169910759 please ppl by doing this youre sure to provide the newest COB stuff to the whole quebec! thanks
  8. F

    how metal are you??

    70% Yeah! nice for a 14 years old boy
  9. F

    Look at that shit !!! COB SHOULD KILL THEM!!!

    those muthafucha... they shall DIE!
  10. F

    Metal up some ass

    If you talk of my writing, I'm really shitty in english. My mother tongue is the french, and i learned most of my english by myself.. ABOUT THE SUBJECT: Hehe.. a soon i'll get a car, my coversion-to-metal-power will be increase. I have already plan to go in town will Bodom crashing fucking loud:P
  11. F

    Metal up some ass

    I hope i'm not the only one that is doing that. Since I listen metal, i've never stop to bring people to metal. People heard the wod metla and think metal mean fuckin orgies whit animals and fuckin musik. But When they listen to COB, they say something like fuck the pop. You understand? Nobody...
  12. F

    Stupid topic: youre hairs

    lol.. my offical record is 39 cm. But it thing i got some over 40 now :D (this post is stupid lol)
  13. F

    Stupid topic: youre hairs

    Lol the question is: how long are youre hair? Mine are starting to reach my back :D
  14. F

    about Warmen

    WARMEN RULES! he's really talented and he compose wise-senseful melodies!
  15. F

    Tour dates

    hell.. i would so much see them.. i guess they wont come in america... why the damn hell im i not a finnish.. *take a oragous voice* GOD! HOW COULD YOU DID THIS TO ME? *a lightning pierce from the could and hurt me* shit...
  16. F

    we rocked out

    fuck man you damn speak a fuckin word! *applause* wished i could have heard you man! LONG LIFE COB FANATISM
  17. F

    All you need to know about Finnish language...

    i could teach you the french :D but actually, i dont speak french, i speak FUCKIN QUEBEC FRENCH!
  18. F

    Anyone got the lyrics to "Youre better off dead"?

    sound like raps lyrics lol.. i can stand only listening the music without understanding what aleksis screams. at least we can put good lyrics on those screams
  19. F

    Favorite Movie

    Amadeus Story of Mozart(romenced)
  20. F

    Children Of Bodom Ice Cream Cake!

    a Bodom tavern would be the best Bodom thing that could ever be done(after releasing a CD). Drink your vodka and enjoy the music playing.