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  1. Krowsnest

    Official Off Topic Thread

    The console doesn't seem very next-gen, and I feel it'll be just shoved aside when newer Microsoft or Sony consoles come out, but that's just my opinion.
  2. Krowsnest

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Just started listening to Time 1 too, no complaints so far!
  3. Krowsnest

    Official Off Topic Thread

    It comes down to taste. I can play Arjen's stuff around the dorm and all of my roommates (one likes glam metal/old school metal, one likes electronic music, and one that other loves rap) can tolerate it as apposed to when I play something heavier or more orchestrated.
  4. Krowsnest

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Or the one or two accidentally badly-crafted songs. The rest are purposely cheesy and very enjoyable to listen to My neighbor called me and ranted my ear off for literally an hour when he heard a new Ayreon album was coming out.
  5. Krowsnest

    Time to drop The Odyssey and shake up the set list

    I think the overall consensus by this forum is for the band to use old, less-played songs more often and drop IC and PL songs, but I think most wouldn't mind seeing the Odyssey either. It's a song written in the sweet middle-ground between their older style and the Paradise Lost/Iconoclast...
  6. Krowsnest

    Post... Progressive?

    I don't know if I'd consider the music only accessible to teens, but I have to say that the way 99% of djent or metalcore bands dress/act cannot and should not be appealing to anyone over 15.
  7. Krowsnest

    Post... Progressive?

    Shattered Skies = Djent Shattered Skies = Not terrible
  8. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    I've listened to the whole Sonata album through and I gotta say, the two wildfire songs are easily the best. Not too big a fan of the rest of the album though.
  9. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    I swear this is the catchiest band I've heard in forever
  10. Krowsnest

    2012 Tour

    Not one song off V or Twilight played at the show...... On the plus side I did actually enjoy most of Iced Earths playlist, and I was really there only to see SX. Said hello to Jon Shaffer on the way in even.
  11. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    The lyrics are definitely shit, but the solo and the vocal performance itself was pretty decent, still overall disappointed with the whole project but whats new eh?
  12. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    I have been listening to that song nonstop for like 2 months now, ICS was my only redeemable factor of Dimmu Borgir :lol:
  13. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    Myrath - Merciless times High hopes for their new album
  14. Krowsnest

    What do you think about Iconoclast?

    I listen to a few of the songs like Electric Messiah and Light up the Night pretty regularly, but a few like Dehumanized and Heretic I've completely ignored in the past few months. I agree with Phanto that it would have benefited from some interludes, or at least another softer song.
  15. Krowsnest

    Now Playing

    as to not break the trend: Opeth - I feel the Dark I definitely like this album, but more the mellow stuff akin to damnation than the more 70's rock sound.
  16. Krowsnest

    Games Thread.

    Apples to Apples doesn't quite fit the thread's criteria, but damn is it a fun party game... sober or otherwise
  17. Krowsnest

    Favourite Band

    Symphony X, with only Blind Guardian coming close really. Maybe throw Opeth, Ayreon, Devin Townsend or Turisas(who I'm loving lately) in as runner-ups
  18. Krowsnest

    The next album? American Gods!

    this isn't a symphony x concept, per say, but a cool metal/rock-opera kinda idea would be to have different vocalists play greek gods in some kind of conflict. Zeus would be a power, authoritative vocalist (Russell would work), Hades would be a dark, maybe growler vocalist, and so on...... just...
  19. Krowsnest


    I looked back at few posts from some years ago on the forum, and according to some members, the masks represent the "progressive" and the "metal" sides of SX's music. If so, that's some pretty cool symbolism.