Search results

  1. Higon

    Best metal bass metal bass player...

    Nico Assumpção. Fucking one man band. Just ask google.
  2. Higon

    Freedom to play

    Quite the same thing happened to me. Went to record our EP. First time on studio. Guitar and drums were ready, just bass, solos, and vocals to go. I was on fire that day and laid all our songs in the first go, not a single mistake, it took me about 40 minutes to finish (just 6 songs). The...
  3. Higon


    GIMME GIMME GIMME!!:hotjump:
  4. Higon

    recomend a fretless bass?

    I have a Cort B4fl. The old model, that one with Mightymite pickups... Tell you the truth, it has the most confortable neck I´ve ever seen, it´s trully smooth, but unfortunately it does not sound as good as it plays. I don´t know if it´s due to the fact that it have active...
  5. Higon

    A short gig by hippie!!!

  6. Higon

    Hey Steve. What about Sao Paulo concert ?

    São Paulo?? Whoa there! I wasn´t aware of that one! Inquiring minds wanna know!!
  7. Higon

    help with the philosopher

    Welcome to the club!! Try those links:
  8. Higon

    Entering the studio: give your suggestions!

    It´s done. My part is finished. It was one of easiest things I have ever done! I dropped my lines faster than the French dropped their guns in WW2... Most songs were recorded in the first try. Seems like practicing my ass off worked pretty well. I´ve lost the red light of doom fright...
  9. Higon

    Entering the studio: give your suggestions!

    I´m working on the pratice bit. Actually, I know every song pretty well, and know everything I can do to change things if it doesn´t sound as good as I want. Those harmony classes are paying off right now... Interesting enough, I find it harder to nail down the notes with precision than just...
  10. Higon

    Entering the studio: give your suggestions!

    That´s a thread for all of you hard seasoned sailors, I mean, bassists out there who have been in a studio before and know about the difficulties and joys of recording. I´m entering in a studio this weekend to record the bass lines for a split album my band is gonna release, and I´m a complete...
  11. Higon

    few questions for steve

    If I´m not mistaken, he did that on Control Denied (Breaking the Broken I guess) and Dark Hall (Changing Weather). Actually, both tapping patterns are quite similar, at least that was the impression I had while listening to them. He used fretless in both recordings, right?
  12. Higon

    Open Minded...

    Latelly I´ve been listening to "Cheiro de Vida" (Brazilian Prog/Funk/whatever) from the early 90s, The Hellecasters (Instrumental country music - GREAT stuff), random stuff from Nico Assumpção (Brazilian bassist, the best IMHO)... And Death Metal. =P
  13. Higon

    I thought it was time to dig this up again...

    There you go, Way Back Machine to save the day: Some charts are (at least were when I looked) missing, but I guess not everything is lost.
  14. Higon

    Steve Digiorgio "greatest hits"

    The Philosopher (Death) Breaking the Broken (Control Denied) Changing Weather (Dark Hall)
  15. Higon

    Longbow Bass

    Only two strings?? Ha! That´s great! I´ll never be lost between strings again!
  16. Higon

    Best metal bass metal bass player...

    Metal without bass is simply lame. It lacks punch, it lacks presence, it lacks weight. I´ve trying playing with my band without bass, and it sounds empty.
  17. Higon

    Bands with good bass players

    "Cheiro de Vida" was a good brazilian Progressive/Fusion band back in the 80s. Their bassist, André Gomes, is a friken machine! Of course he is old and fat by now, but he still kicks arse. Check out this video: Yeah, the video is not as good as...
  18. Higon

    For finger-style shredders out there...

    Playing "Pulverized" from Canibal Corpse helps a lot too. I´ve been working out through this using only two fingers and have noticed improvement. The main thing in my case mas to make every single note sound the same and with a lot of punch. Also, the good old "1-2-3-4 alternating fingers...
  19. Higon

    Steve D in Studio

    Coolness! But to be fair, when I first saw you playing I thought: "Dude! What a weird right hand technique!". Not that I think it sucks, far from that, but it´s... diferent. Anyway, different or not, it´s quite effective. =P
  20. Higon

    Attention lovers of all things Bass!!!

    Sounds awesome, but I wouldn´t DARE to submit something. Even if I was a great bass player. Patittuci would laugh his ass off hearing me playing anything.