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  1. E


    And the same post shortly whit bad english :grin: I am wondering if it would be possible to get donate button for bands homepage? I dont have eny use for cd's but i would still like to support the band. So if there were donate button i could do it easily that way. I think in this time of...
  2. E


    Ensinnäkin kiitokset bändille erittäin hyvän musiikin teosta :) Ja sitten asiaan... En tiedä onko bändissä nettisarjakuvien ystäviä mutta jos on nii olette varmaan huomanneet että monilla näillä sivuilla on käytössä donate nappula... Tuolla nappulalla siis voi helposti lahjoittaa rahaa...
  3. E

    Your favorite EToS album ?

    Very thought call here =P All is so good... But i will say BtBS... Songs from 1-8 are so friking awesome =P (9 is good too but only if u listen to it very rarely otherways it too long and booring) Next would be CotDW... All songs are very good and 3&8 are even better... Other albums have...