Search results

  1. Paulie!

    Summing to Mono = Horrible guitars

    Just to add my opinion, I mix in mono 90% of the time. Mainly because it's 2021.. and a lot of people consume music via blue tooth speakers. I still pan in the stereo field, I just get my balance together in mono. I get my kick snare bass and vocals at a level I like, then push my guitars until...
  2. Paulie!

    Nail the mix

    Completely agree that Nail The Mix == Sneap Forum on YouTube. And a good arrangement is about 75% of the mix. I will say from the bits I've seen on youtube, I wish they'd put more stuff out about automation. I still suck at that, so I just do static mixes for the most part, unless I automate...
  3. Paulie!


    I'm still using SDC's so I'm getting a lot of snare sound from my room and close mics, I'm really thinking about investing in either some LDC's or Ribbons (mainly because Ribbons would give us the darker sound we're going for from what I've read). Just haven't dove too deeply into researching...
  4. Paulie!

    Petrucci Terminal Velocity

    I was excited to hear that one riff from Rock Discipline finally used in a song lol. Album is good for sure.
  5. Paulie!

    where are they now???

    What I've been up to: Working, a lot.. not in a studio, in a manufacturing plant -- because insurance ain't cheap. Old band ended, new band started. I still record all our stuff, I've been mixing that as well, and it seems like I'm never done/satisfied with it, which is pretty much the norm for...
  6. Paulie!

    yoooooooooo wake up

    I'm in
  7. Paulie!

    Can anyone tell me how to get the chug of this Iced Earth tone from The Dark Saga?

    Mess around with your pick hand palm position as well as it affects the "bloom" of the chug.
  8. Paulie!

    North Carolina Musician Search

    Alright, will do. Thanks man!
  9. Paulie!

    North Carolina Musician Search

    Hi Guys, Been a long while since I've been on here. My band, TITUS, is currently looking for a Bassist to round out our lineup. I actually played Bass on our EP and we have been playing out as a four piece (2 Guitars, Drums, and Vox). We practice out of High Point, NC. If anyone out there is...
  10. Paulie!

    Tesseract, Scale the Summit, and Aciients - Oct. 27th in Greensboro, NC

    Hey guys, Thought I'd let everyone know we're have a sale on these tickets right now. $8 per Ticket + a free EP with every order through the bandcamp!
  11. Paulie!

    My daughter's bday (for those who may concern)

    Dude that is awesome to here. While the situation was tragic, it was great to see that we as a community could pull together in such a big way. Not with just money but with support and love as well. Not enough of that going around these days. Glad to hear she is doing so well.
  12. Paulie!

    Tesseract, Scale the Summit, and Aciients - Oct. 27th in Greensboro, NC

    Hey guys, For anyone in the North Carolina area planning on attending this show, my band is playing, so we have discounted tickets available. They are $12 from eTix and 15 from the Venue (The Blind Tiger, GSO, NC) at the Door. Our Price is $10 for 1 and $19 for 2. If your in the Triad we...
  13. Paulie!

    Session vocalist available for projects

    +1 to the above
  14. Paulie!

    Official Mixes from my band's EP are up!

    bumpity bump
  15. Paulie!

    Official Mixes from my band's EP are up!

    Hey guys, figured I'd throw this up on here since we recently got the final mixes for the EP back. My band TITUS, recorded a 5 song EP (self recorded) with the mixing/mastering done by Jamie King here in Winston Salem, NC. Three of the songs are posted on our Myspace and Reverbnation pages...
  16. Paulie!

    Two Track EP Preview from my band TITUS. Metal/Death/Progressive-ish

    So, my band TITUS finally did something productive after about a year of just practicing in a basement and throwing names around in circles. We just finished recording a 5 Song Demo/EP, and we posted two demo mixes I did just to spread our name around a bit. The mixes aren't that stellar, I'm...