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  1. Rawshik

    Theocracy 2017 concerts

    Went to the show last night in Houston. Even with some technical difficulties, it was absolutely incredible and the same quality experience Theocracy always puts out.
  2. Rawshik

    What is your favorite Theocracy album

    Mirror of Souls gets my pick just because it's the first one I really listened to and the lyrics still hit hard. That being said, every Theocracy album is a masterpiece and far beyond the other power metal out there.
  3. Rawshik

    Theocracy 2017 concerts

    Just found out about the Houston show. SO. STOKED. I've waited like 8 years for this.
  4. Rawshik

    It's that time of year ...

    I'm not gonna make a new thread about it cause it seems unnecessary but the new Theocracy website seems to have gotten rid of any way to download all the Christmas tunes. :( Or I'm an idiot and just can't find it.
  5. Rawshik

    New Theocracy Album "Ghost Ship" Announced

    Solid album. Love it. Will be on repeat in my car for weeks.
  6. Rawshik

    Angel In the Ashes (new charity track written by Matt)

    My love for power metal is always rekindled when I hear new stuff from Matt Smith. Well, him or Avantasia.
  7. Rawshik

    Tell me some nothings

    We're getting a new Theocracy album soon. When that happens, we can talk.
  8. Rawshik

    Music Upload Advice

    I literally just ran into this issue (was doing something with Taylor Swift tracks) and discovered that doesn't seem to have any copyright issues. I doubt it's legal if you don't have any artist's permissions but it will let you get away with it.
  9. Rawshik

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    ^New Neal Morse? :O I had no idea, thank you.
  10. Rawshik

    Doom metal

    Swallow The Sun
  11. Rawshik

    What Music Theocracy Enjoys! (mostly DragonForce talk)

    To the sdgdsfgdfghdfhjfgjhgfhj forums I shall go! Edit: Changed forum name. Decided I didn't want others seeing that.
  12. Rawshik

    What Music Theocracy Enjoys! (mostly DragonForce talk)

    I'm embarrassed by how many question marks I used here.
  13. Rawshik

    Merry Christmas 2014 From Theocracy!

    Fantastic as usual.
  14. Rawshik

    "Jack's Lament" cover by Matt Smith and Federica Lanna

    Haven't seen this movie in like 10 years so I don't really know the song, but it's neat.
  15. Rawshik

    Theocrapella Deux.... ex machina?

    While I can't tell what specific one he is using (note that he's not using Windows) but most DAWs are pretty similar. If you know nothing about that sort of thing, there's a large learning curve so I'd recommend Mixcraft. It's extremely simple and meant for beginners.
  16. Rawshik

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    This album is unbelievable. If you like the lyrics of Oh, Sleeper/Anullaby, you'll absolutely love this.
  17. Rawshik

    Matt recording vocals for new demo

    Just like anything Theocracy does, it's so catchy I haven't been able to stop listening to it since it was posted on Facebook.
  18. Rawshik

    This place used to be a lot more active.

    ^I'd bet a pretty penny that they're going to play some new material. You best record it.
  19. Rawshik

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    Went to Summer Slaughter yesterday. Origin put on the best show. Listening to this:
  20. Rawshik

    This place used to be a lot more active.

    Bands that don't do anything for a long time don't get any attention. I hate to say it but... Theocracy hasn't released an album for almost 3 years and they don't exactly do world tours.