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    Anyone going to see ACCEPT October 19th?

    Just curious to see whether people are finding the new Blood of the Nations CD...
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    October 19th at the Key Club

    ACCEPT's first time in L.A. in 17 years!!!! More to come.
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    Blood Of Nations

    Finally got my copy and I'm lovin it!!!!
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    Blood Of Nations

    Guys, Good points about wanting the CD ahead of these early U.S. shows. I suggest going here and asking them if it is possible to have them at the merch. table. It may not be possible, but it doesn't hurt to request it.
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    Blood Of Nations

    He again, I agree completely, "if it ain't broke don't fix it".... My question was really aimed at understanding who (from those currently identifying themselves by genre) would accept ACCEPT most readily. There are a lot of us around 35-45 who love ACCEPT from their original heyday. So...
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    Blood Of Nations

    Hey mdmatt4ever, I actually created this profile so that I could share it with the band, and so Peter Baltes could log in and say hi. After the welcome I received for commiting the unforgivable crime of posting "in the wrong forum" I changed that plan very quickly. However, this...
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Hey Man, The thread was started with good intentions. Best thing now is to just let it die and sink to the bottom. The new album is great.
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    Blood Of Nations

    Glad you guys are liking the new disc!!!!
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    ACCEPT - New Album Featured On Metal Express Radio's Daily Album Premiere Today Nuff said I think.....
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    ACCEPT is not the only band I care about, but I stick around here because you guys have grown on me, which I'm sure was your intent. I may well venture into one of the forums where you believe I belong, but I am quite entertained by the display here.:popcorn: You see, I'm not someone who...
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    No, it doesn't, but debating for the sake of debating is kinda lame too. BAN me.... seems a common theme here. You should marry Tipper Gore, I think she's available again.
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Also, I have looked through this board more. Many of you state opinions as fact. You can share opinions, and you can have conflicting opinions, but "true" opinions are not able to be proven right or wrong. Anything that can be proven true or false, is NOT an opinion. Anything that...
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Dude, I don't study internet acronyms...but right back at you. Tell me, is the internet the only safe place for you? You weren't willing to offer me any insight, so I branded you with your stereotype, and finally that got you to dispell a myth or two. Still, couldn't the discussion...
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Seems to me the best way to get closer to an actual discussion was to offend you guys.
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Doesn't mean the occasional instance of people behaving just as civil as if they were face to face can't happen.
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Maybe being stereotypical, but the behaviour I've seen fits the profile.
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Isn't there an alligator you could go swim with?
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    That's funny, no, I realize this is typical of internet behaviour. Maybe you can explain why it appeals to people?
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    My point, on these boards, the death metal fans usually are not diverse in their tastes. If you write something I think is stupid, I can resist the urge to comment. Why can't you do the same? I would suggest it has a lot to do with a desire to define yourself through attitude...
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    ACCEPT in 2010

    Nope, I just see commonalities in the sheep-like behaviour, the surrendering of individuality in favour of "group-think". Yep, the reaction to anything from a death metal fan is very predictable, hate to burst your bubble if you thought otherwise. You all tend to jump on things just to...