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  1. M

    bass rigs...

    hi fellas, i'm looking to upgrade from an 'ol 100W jam amp setup to a full fleged 400Wish cab setup. 4X10 style, nothing "too" huge. just wondering if you guys have any amp head / cabinet preferences / adivce? what's your rig at home? thanks alot for your help.
  2. M

    The video footage from Dynamo is fucking hilarious.

    how can I snatch this video?!
  3. M

    Keyboard and bass-guitar

    I practice both bass and piano and have no problems whatsoever... any difficulties you may be experiencing i can only assume to be temporary...
  4. M

    Now Playing Thread!!!

    neuraxis - fractionized man do they rule
  5. M

    What's your favourite kind of metal???

    gold because its such a good conductor, but aluminum because its so cheap and shiny... christ i'm hilarious.
  6. M

    Anyone ever played on one of these??

    There are theories going around that they are the same person... :p The body modified so that even the highest frets are easy to reach is a great idea, but thats a mean ass price tag.
  7. M

    Hey Steve,how does the Carvin thang work?

    good question... how do these things work?
  8. M

    Oh ye of lightning fast finger speed

    for me personally i can only really see a difference when i'm all warmed up, sometimes i surprise myself. when it comes to problems with string skipping and pretty much anything i just tend to take it real slow, relax and practice the movement until i make it work... helps alot when i...
  9. M

    Eric Langlois

    I've seen cryptopsy live once... and like i said in the old fav bassist post i was stading a few feet away from him after a show last saturday. The headlining band was called Black Cloud, they were a "super group" formed by members of bands in the Montreal area. They played oldschool 80's...
  10. M

    who is your favorite bassist?

    i was standing like 4 feet away from him yesturday after a show, good times.
  11. M

    Now Playing Thread!!!

    Defenestration - Cryptopsy
  12. M


    wrong fucking button, sorry everyone. :s
  13. M


    they sure as hell make some nnniiiiiccccceeeee looking basses... well, some models anyway. Not sure if they play/sound good tho.
  14. M

    who is your favorite bassist?

    François Mongrain of Martyr.
  15. M

    bass buying advice

    I'm looking into replacing to ol' bass with something new and good that could last me a long while. You folks have any brand/model/4-5-6 string/pickups/bla of preference to help me out on what i could be looking for? I'm in the less that 1000$ (canadian) price range... any good picks...
  16. M

    Well,its official.I'm a 19 year old with too much time.

    Forget time, think money! Meh, you only live once tho, so best of luck.
  17. M

    Speaking of Testament's new album

    Now THAT, is somehting i'd pay big bucks to see Steve, oh hell ANYONE do.
  18. M

    Fretless start

    I've played a fretless only once in my life, jsut picked it up at a used music store to give it a shot for fun, and quite frankly i loved it. I didn't (seem to me at least) to have any problems adjusting... it only got complicated towards the higher frets :s. But I would totally not be...
  19. M

    What kind of bass does Steve play?

    yup, its all on his site:
  20. M

    using a pick doesnt capture the true essence of the bass

    we should all just be doing what feels best, wether it be picking, or using 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 fingers... hell, play with a big piece of ham if thats what works best for you!