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  1. SirKnucklesmd

    Metalcore/deathcore mix (Lend me your ears)

    Visit for revised mix.
  2. SirKnucklesmd

    Metalcore mix w. a quick master.

    Been a minute. Had a bad accident years ago and lost half the hearing in my right ear so haven't done much of this lately. Lend me your ears.
  3. SirKnucklesmd

    Sahhr 2019

  4. SirKnucklesmd

    Pod Farm 2.5 Amp/Cab combos

    That would be greatly appreciated if you could! In the past few days i've been playing around with Cali Diamond Dual tone and Criminal a lot. Been setting up dual amp chains for a tone but have to say i'm not too impressed with the internal cab IR's. I did a little experiment sending out the pre...
  5. SirKnucklesmd

    Pod Farm 2.5 Amp/Cab combos

    Yes TSE i've heard some about. I'll be looking that up today... Whats the word on ReCabinet4 for IRs? I like the dual cab option inside I saw in the tutorial but have not yet personally tried it out... Is it worth is to purchase you guys think? Or are the included cabs good enough? EDIT: I've...
  6. SirKnucklesmd

    Pod Farm 2.5 Amp/Cab combos

    I did it. I finally gave into the digital world and bought Line 6's Pod Farm 2.5. Since I'm using this mainly for metal I didn't get the platinum version, I just purchased the Metal Shop Pack add on to go with it. I spent the last 5 years learning excursion points on cabs, natural tube harmonics...
  7. SirKnucklesmd

    Melodic Deathcore/Metalcore Mix

    Would you say going line out from my 6505+ head into ReCabinet sound better or worse than a 100% digital amp chain?
  8. SirKnucklesmd

    Melodic Deathcore/Metalcore Mix

    What are the good amp/cab sims these days? I plan to retrack everything except drums. These were initially scratch tracks.
  9. SirKnucklesmd

    Melodic Deathcore/Metalcore Mix

    Been working on a metal core project in my spare time, finally got around to finishing up a demo for an album i'm slated to wrap up in a couple months. Constructive criticism regarding mix is appreciated.
  10. SirKnucklesmd


    The digitally mastered version before 2-buss out to analog. Most likely will stay as is.
  11. SirKnucklesmd

    Should mastering = only loudness

    I save all my M/S functions for the mastering stage and some harmonic exciting. Rarely any eq'ing (Maybe a 1-2db cut or boost here or there). For me mainly about limiting and loudness, but if you have a killer mix some Mid/Side harmonic exciting will really give you some awesome (and natural)...
  12. SirKnucklesmd

    Reamp-ing a real tube amp signal... ReCabbing?

    Awesome, thank you guys so far! I figured as much, never used a load box before but when I was experimenting with this idea I was still running 8ohm line out to my cab on low post gain and made up the signal loss with my pre-amps trim going direct in to my computer. Ideas and suggestions on good...
  13. SirKnucklesmd

    Quadtracking, really worth it?

    Didn't have the patience to read every single commenter but to the OG poster I think you have a good understanding of how it's a matter of personal stylistic opinion and truly doubt that there is too much anyone else can add past that. In regards to your question is it worth the time? I say no...
  14. SirKnucklesmd

    Reamp-ing a real tube amp signal... ReCabbing?

    At the expense of sounding like a newcomer and being berated by senior posters I still must ask the question. Didn't know what to exactly search for either on this topic. Digital amping is new to me, always took the time to mic my own cabs but as the times change with the evolution of man and...
  15. SirKnucklesmd


    Haha, yea that is why I wanted to consult anyone first in this forum in regards to "stylistic" opinions on production. I like my preferred production style and don't truly need to result to the forums regarding something i'm familiar with but when it comes to this I do value others input...
  16. SirKnucklesmd


    Thank you. I was given Watain as a reference for the production for this one so my production chain on this was pretty simple. I purposely took most of the subs out of the kick for that reason. Im a BIG FAN of hard hitting bottom end punch but this one was kind of different for me. I was...