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  1. _wayfarer

    I have the opportunity to trade my Ibanez S770PB for an RGA 121 NTF. Worth it?

    Title says it all. I don't play my 6-string S770PB very often since I have an RG7621 but I have the opportunity to trade it for an RGA 121 NTF. Would I be losing money? Or should I just sell my S770PB and save for an Axe-Fx II since I rarely play my 6-strings anymore?
  2. _wayfarer

    Tone/mix match of The Contortionist's "Exoplanet"

    Okay, I used C4 to control some of those low mids and also found some nasty frequencies in the upper mids to eliminate in the guitar tracks. How does this sound?
  3. _wayfarer

    Tone/mix match of The Contortionist's "Exoplanet"

    Oh yeah, I forgot they used six strings on Exoplanet! Thanks for the tips everyone, I will definitely compress those low mids.
  4. _wayfarer

    Love/Lost - Self Produced EP Track

    Absolutely beautiful song! I like the mix too.
  5. _wayfarer

    Tone/mix match of The Contortionist's "Exoplanet"

    Hey guys. Spent the last week or so tweaking my Axe-Fx tone and this mix to get as close as I possibly could to the "Exoplanet" sound. Decided to just do an 18 second clip from the intro of "Advent". Here's the original: Here's my mix...
  6. _wayfarer

    Could someone with Trilian, Zombass or Texas Grind turn this .MIDI into audio please?

    I didn't realize that was free! Just downloaded it and couldn't be happier. Thanks so much!
  7. _wayfarer

    Could someone with Trilian, Zombass or Texas Grind turn this .MIDI into audio please?

    I'm trying out a new tone with my Axe-Fx and doing a mix test with the intro of "Advent" by The Contortionist. I've realized bass is a weak point in my mix and would love to hear it with a properly mixed grimy metal bass tone (albeit from a VST). So, before I order Trilian, Zombass or Texas...
  8. _wayfarer

    Please evaluate this mix

    I'm with aviel. Maybe boost the mids a bit on the solo and carve out more space for it in the mix.
  9. _wayfarer

    Metalcore/Djenty Production (Advice?)

    Guitars are a little muddy and the whole mix could be a little brighter in my opinion. I'm guessing this isn't mastered at all?
  10. _wayfarer

    Could someone with Zombass 3 make this .MIDI into audio?

    Bump! It'd only take a few seconds!
  11. _wayfarer

    Could someone with Zombass 3 make this .MIDI into audio?

    DI is fine! Or if you'd like to mix it a bit and maybe add some distortion that would be fine as well.
  12. _wayfarer

    Could someone with Zombass 3 make this .MIDI into audio?

    I'm interested in buying Zombass 3 but I'd like to hear what it sounds like in my mix before purchasing. I'm doing a short mix test using the intro of "Advent" by The Contortionist and it would be really helpful if someone could bounce out a sample using this .MIDI and Zombass 3 (with a great...
  13. _wayfarer

    Metal/hardcore mix (Architects-esque)

    Okay, I will try that. Thanks for the advice! Also, after I posted this clip I put a more aggressive low pass on the guitars (I noticed the low pass I had on before was barely doing anything).
  14. _wayfarer

    Metal/hardcore mix (Architects-esque)

    Just wanted to get some feedback on one of my more recent mixes. Just wrote this riff to test out a new Axe-Fx tone (5150 sim). Drums are SSD. I'm looking for some tips, pointers, constructive criticism, etc. Cheers :kickass:
  15. _wayfarer

    Trying to get a nice cracky snare sound out of SSD

    I will try out those deluxe kit snares. I understand my snare doesn't great right now but perhaps we like different snare sounds as well. This is the snare sound I'm going for (and this band uses SSD with the 11a snare).
  16. _wayfarer

    Trying to get a nice cracky snare sound out of SSD

    Hello, I've been doing quite a bit of changes to my mixing process lately and one particular place I realized I wasn't fond of was my snare mix. I don't think SSD is very well known for having great poppy/cracky snares (they have a decent piccolo but that's not what I'm looking for) and I...
  17. _wayfarer

    Progressive metal mix

    Hey everyone. I decided I would upload a track I recently co-wrote and recorded for my new project Oculus. I would just like to hear everyone's opinion of the production and the song as well. Thanks!
  18. _wayfarer

    Djent/progressive metal clips

    I'm using an Axe-Fx with a FAS Modern amp (no power amp simulation) > Mesa and v30 cabs. The complete guitar chain is already built into my Axe-Fx chain. And then I mastered the tracks with Ozone 4.