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  1. Mooseman0389

    Mixing a drummer that hits like the Hulk

    Thanks for the responses! I guess I'm so used to this not being the case that I was confused by it. But man does it sound killer! I'm definitely going to go the "embrace" the bleed route.
  2. Mooseman0389

    Mixing a drummer that hits like the Hulk

    Hey guys. Having a curious kind of "problem". I tracked a drummer recently who beats the ever living shit out of his shells, which is awesome. But he hits his kick so hard that it's all over the OH's and Rooms. Luckily he's already 90% to the grid before editing so it doesn't sound unnatural...
  3. Mooseman0389

    Slight issue with a client

    Yea initially I was freaking out but I suppose if that's what they want... it's what they want.
  4. Mooseman0389

    Slight issue with a client

    Hey guys. I'm still new to the game and I've encountered a situation I don't know how to handle. I tracked a bands drums and just finished editing them. No disrespect to the drummer but I had to do a lot of work to make the performances work. And some parts weren't even completely editable. Beat...
  5. Mooseman0389

    Axe FX 2 vs the XL

    Most excellent. That's exactly what I was looking for and couldn't find. I'll probably never use it live.. so the footswitch I/O is silly. The only things that seem appealing are the backup firmware and extra flash memory. Thanks for your help guys!! :kickass:
  6. Mooseman0389

    Axe FX 2 vs the XL

    I would love the opinion of any potential Fractal fans out there. Basically I know that I want to get an Axe II. I just can't decide if I would rather use $300 to get an XL over the mark II OR get a black lion mod on my interface. Other than more memory are there any advantages I'm missing...
  7. Mooseman0389

    As I Lay Dying in drop G baby. ITB. Full Analog version to come!

    So my band is covering AILD "Nothing Left" and yea, I'd love some feedback on this mix from people not in the band. It was done totally in the box. Nice outboard gear used in the tracking process. Buuuut I'm gonna do another one on the SSL at the studio I work at and do an A/B comparison just...
  8. Mooseman0389

    Questions regarding interning and career moves

    No doubt on both accounts. And just to specify, I wasn't bitchin' about the amount of work per say. Just the type. I'd rather spend all night editing guitars instead of serving steak ;)
  9. Mooseman0389

    Questions regarding interning and career moves

    Yea Egan. James and Johnny are awesome guys. They've taught me so much. I know for a fact that all I want to do is record and mix. I guess I just need to figure out the best way to do it. Either way thanks all for your words everyone.
  10. Mooseman0389

    Questions regarding interning and career moves

    I majored in Psych for my undergrad... and I have zero interest in going to graduate school for it. Maybe engineering, but not psych. And I'm interning at Hemispheres Recording. It's a great place and the guys are awesome. Just hitting one of those existential crisis moments haha
  11. Mooseman0389

    Questions regarding interning and career moves

    Hey guys. I would love a little bit of advice if you don't mind. So. I'm 25. Not using my college degree, and trying to pay it off. I've been interning at a studio about 30 minutes away from where I live for 3 months. In that 3 months I've learned a ton and am incredibly thankful for the...
  12. Mooseman0389

    Practice Time05 - KSE The Arms of Sorrow - 23 DI files for fun

    Had a blast mixing this. Late as usual, but here it is.
  13. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of North Carolina

    Hey man! Thought I might have been one of the only metal heads in Durham. You have a band? *Oh snap! Just checked out your profile. You're in Daylight Dies, you guys are great!*
  14. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of North Carolina

    Glad you like 'em! We introduced a lot of cleans on this album.
  15. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of North Carolina

    Haha thanks man! Yea he really strives for the terrifying vibe. The artwork on the second video was done by a good friend of ours. She's tremendously talented. If you are interested in working with her shoot me a PM
  16. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of North Carolina

    I will preface this post with the statement that I normally don't do this... But since my band is gearing up for releasing our second full length album I've been sharing us over as many social media outlets and websites as possible. With as much time as I've spent reading and learning on the...
  17. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of NC

    Hey there. Just wanted to share my progressive metal band with you guys. We're called As Oceans and we're out of North Carolina. We've released a full length album, a split EP, and will be releasing our second full length this fall. I've linked our music video, new single, and social media...
  18. Mooseman0389

    Heavy Metal out of NC

    No lies. This is shameless self promotion! Check out my band As Oceans. We're out of North Carolina. We play progressive metal. We have a full length and an EP under our belt, with plans to release a second full length this fall! Below is our music video, and single off of the new album as well...
  19. Mooseman0389

    Spam your band here

    So this thread seems to be a little dead. Regardless I would like to share my band with you. We are..... As Oceans from North Carolina. We play progressive metal. Here is our music video for "Measured", the single off our first release "Enough Light to Warrant the Contrast". Below it is the...
  20. Mooseman0389

    Practice Time 06 - ALL THAT REMAINS - This calling

    So I'm like a month behind this thread, but I just downloaded the DI's today, mixed, and so.... here it is!