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  1. B

    My best mix yet!!!!!!

    Kickass mix mate ! Would feel even bigger with some mastering.
  2. B

    Confused about order in vocal chain

    Why do you guys use 2 compressors ? I don't see the advantage behind it.
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    My first production ever ( feedback )

    Hey guys! So I am pretty much an amateur in this audio engineering world. Been heavily practicing these past month, learned everything by myself with the help of the forums, and I went ahead and recorded my death metal's band EP, and released it as my first production. I just wanted some...
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    New DT Album

    Arch/Matheos released the best prog album of the year! Arch is one of the best vocalists out there
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    Why can't my ..... ?

    Why can't my girlfriends be AS AWESOME AS CRISTINA ? ( smart beautiful combination )
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    Extreme metal band from Lebanon

    Hello everyone ! We are an unsigned extreme metal band coming straight from the depths of a land that knows no stability whatsoever. ( 2 demo songs before we release our album ) Thought I'd share this on my favorite producer's forums. If...