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  1. Turner

    Gig thread

    no pun intended btw lolz
  2. Turner

    Gig thread

    you can't really attribute that to moore though...i think it's more that the early 90s were when they peaked is all
  3. Turner

    Forum Getogether thread

    if anyone in sydney feels like a couple of beers this afternoon/tonight i'm pretty thirsty and could do with some drinking buddies
  4. Turner

    Gig thread

    yep gotta echo this...get images & words, awake, a change of seasons, train of thought, and don't bother with the rest *ducks* :D
  5. Turner

    NEW YEARS EVE 2007/08.

    this kinda clashes with the vanilla ice gig, but we'll see :D
  6. Turner

    Wacken 2007 – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Indeed! I watched about 3/4 of their set from the biergarten and at one point they played a song from Jester Race (Graveland maybe?), which Anders introduced as "from back when we were a shit band." Needless to say half the crowd booed, and he came back with something like "what? we WERE shit...
  7. Turner

    What pisses me off

    that sounds like glandular fever - i had those symptoms (amongst others) for about 2 months, thinking that they'd go away soon, before i went to the doctor. you should get a blood test
  8. Turner

    Whats Playing Now Thread

    Gary Moore - The Loner also falconer's latest album wasn't that great imo
  9. Turner

    What I like

    holy shit i like the sounds of that i'm all antsy
  10. Turner


    haha that's awesome! at my work i'm the ONLY person in the whole office that makes a bit of noise. my efforts to "spice things up" (see: act really inappropriate a lot) have been met with apathy at best for the most part, and i think my manager absolutely HATES me. oh well, 1 week eh?
  11. Turner

    What I like

  12. Turner

    What I like

    1 week, 5 days here :D
  13. Turner

    What pisses me off

    HAHA this is probably the best insult ever
  14. Turner

    Whats Playing Now Thread

    the entire Alice In Chains - Facelift album
  15. Turner

    What pisses me off

    I'm posting this everywhere, so might as well do it here too
  16. Turner

    What pisses me off

    All the hippies I know drive shitheap cars with 10 times the greenhouse gas emissions of new-model cars, claim to be vegetarian but eat at least fish, listen to terrible music with no regard for anyone else when it comes to either volume or sharing the CD player, stage protests that quickly...
  17. Turner

    Forum Getogether thread

    good luck getting served at bar ace, guys i'm not coming to anything until i get back from overseas - i have no money and my liver needs a bit of a pre-month long binge rest
  18. Turner

    What pisses me off

  19. Turner

    What pisses me off

    lol, girls
  20. Turner

    one of the chicks i work with... going out with NUDGE from Hey Dad!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i've been having an absolute field day with it apparently he's rich, too i asked her to get me into one of these A-list celebrity parties hahahahah