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  1. S

    Help on my Psychology Of Metal: Ensiferum section plz!

    Book summary: First off, this book isn't some textbook! It's debsigned to appeal to any fan, as it follows the story of a fictitious character as he explores and analyzes the metal scene, travelling, becoming friends with, and playing shows with bands In this book, you'll read about huge acts...
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    help, need info for 70,000 tons

    Hey! I was just wondering if any of you could give me some advice on getting band input on a Inside Metal Book I'm doing. Going on 70,000 tons cruise and need these : Týr And Ensiferum. I think someone in Ensiferum knows psychology and as the "psych" of metal is a big topic, I need their...
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    70,000 tons of metal, also some advice?

    Hey guys! I'm going on the 70,000 tons of metal cruise and as I am working on an Inside Metal Psych Book, I want to get a few bands' input there. Thing is, I have like no social skills regarding this stuff (i'm in a one man band after all). I went on a few band forums but nothing yet. Bands I...
  4. S

    amon amarth part of "metal book: what goes on in your metalhead" need input

    Hi Vikings! I'm just going around the forums/bands trying to collect info for my book "psychology of metal: what goes on in your metalhead". If you guys wouldn't mind answering a few quick questions about what your experience with Amon Amarth has been, I'll definitely credit your names :) So...
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    amon amarth part of "metal psychology: what goes on in your metalhead" need input

    Hi Vikings! I'm just going around the forums/bands trying to collect info for my book "psychology of metal: what goes on in your metalhead". If you guys wouldn't mind answering a few quick questions about what your experience with Amon Amarth has been, I'll definitely credit your names :) So...
  6. S

    Recommend books

    Well if you don't mind self-promoting...I am working on a "Psychology Of Metal: What Goes On Inside Your Metalhead?" book, which happens to include an Ensiferum section. But it's in the early stages.
  7. S

    Help on my Psychology Of Metal: Ensiferum section plz!

    Hi fellow vikings/metallers! I hope you could help me. I'm writing a book on "metal psychology" and I'm doing a piece on Ensiferum currently. Amon amarth, Týr, and Dreamtale are some other featured bands. I am going on the 70,000 tons of metal cruise so hopefully they could tell me there, but...
  8. S

    metal social blacklist? Help

    I can see your point..and about ted...when we were friends, the guitarist said they were all real cool friends with Amarth. So I knew they talked a lot...and thanks for your help. I guess what I didn't state was that I had tried to connect with members of like 7 other bands, all of whom clearly...
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    metal social blacklist? Help

    Yeah you're probably right...except the guitarist (guy I flipped at) was the only one who deleted me) the other guys are still on, but I tried reconnecting with them several times. And how do you know so much about what the band does/thinks/knows?
  10. S

    metal social blacklist? Help

    Well it's just that those are the people who I would have to gig with. And open for. And we're talking ALL of Scandinavia. Even the Faroe Islands. Don't get me wrong, they can hate me all they want. But that will cause issues in terms of gigging and all...
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    metal social blacklist? Help

    Hey metalheads! I have had a bit of an issue with metal scene connections. You see, I was friends with a member of one band in the States. I had been going through some personal issues affecting my social skills, and said somethings I shouldn't have. and even though I apologized, the band just...
  12. S

    Death metal vocals: NEED HELP

    I guess i'm used to being cued in by drums or whatever, so there may well be cues, i just miss them. also, if you look @ amarth, they have a pretty strong song structure (which is what im used to, i played melodeath for a while). there's what ill need to do. any ideas about timing?
  13. S

    Death metal vocals: NEED HELP

    I am an aspiring Technical Death metal vocalist. However, I am trying out 4 a band next week and I need some tips. i am used to amon-amarth style stuff, so performing Pierced From Within will be a challenge. I need help because in this genre, the vocals don't follow a pattern that is...