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    Free Editing & Mixing

    Hi all! It's been a minute. I'm wrapping up an audio engineering degree and internship and would like to build a more diverse portfolio (I've primarily been working with country bands). I'm willing to edit, mix, and possibly master any original tracks you may have. PM for more info. Have a good one!
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    Reamping Services.

    I've benefited a lot from ultimate metal esp. this particular forum so its time to give a little back. If you are capable of quality reamping send me a dm or just resound with your rates etc.. so we may discuss a new project of mine. Thanks all!
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    Mixing / Mastering / Re-Amping / Editing - NRQ's Studio

    Hi, Are you still doing free re-amps. I just purchased a tone beast pre and would love to hear it's di's re-amped but no worries either way. Thanks!
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    Logic Tone Test

    I've been playing with logic's guitar plugins as of late and have thrown together a quick mix to get some feedback. Let me know what you think about the tone. Thanks!
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    Tone Beast 12

    @rapucore Indeed sir.
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    Tone Beast 12

    Okay after messing with it some more if i plug into input one on the from of my 40 with the trs and click instru i receive input. However, i am using a mic and I'm curious as to why input 3 (on the rear was not working)
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    Tone Beast 12

    Thanks for the speedy response KHE. Yes and it responds to gain increase and reduction but i am showing no signal in my daw. My monitors work so I'm assuming its not the saffire unit.
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    Tone Beast 12

    Hi, All. I recently recorded in a studio equipped with a tb12 and had the opportunity to play with it. I loved it and purchased one myself. Now that I am home I cannot produce any sound with it. My chain is guitar-tb12-pro40-logic. Both the tb12 and pro 40 show that input is received but my daw...
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    Electronic Project

    Totally unrelated to metal but I've started working on a dark trance album, and have released an EP. I'd really like some feedback. Thanks!
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    Making effects

    In logic you can use the test oscillator to make some pretty cool bass drops. I'm not sure how to go about it in any other DAW but the concept is probably pretty similar. If you're interested in learning let me know.
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    I really dig the guitar tone man! Drums are a little dry to my ear. I'd also turn down the kick, but regardless it's a pretty cool song.
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    Needs some fresh ear on this bad boy

    Sounds great to me. I would however bring the vocals up in volume a tad or maybe boost around 2-3k.
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    Di levels at -15 ok?

    I don't see why it would be a problem. You may have to adjust amp tone accordingly but besides that, there is no reason you should have any issues.
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    Not really feelin that snare. Too much verb. I really dig this cover though. Very well done Dudes
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    Band names

    My project is called, The God We Create. I don't know some people have mixed feelings but I'm happy with it. If i were you I'd find some kind of phrase or line that is really deep to you and try and para phrase it into something very short.
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    KRK Rokit Gen 3's?

    Anybody had a chance to purchase or try the new rokit generation? I liked the gen 2's 6 inch monitor and wondered if the new model was comparable, better, or worse. Thanks!
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    New EP.

    I actually put it up on itunes or band camp so jam it haha
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    Hardcore Band From Nashville TN

    New EP up for pre order by The God We Create in Nashville, TN check it out if you're interested.
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    Hardcore EP

    Just put this up for pre-order if anyone is interested
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    New EP.

    Any more comments?