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    Influence of guitar cabinet construction (Plywood vs MDF back)

    Doesn't surprise me too much, knowing what I know about high fidelity speaker cabinets. Chances are pretty good that the plywood back resonates more than the particle board back so the low mids will respond somewhat differently.
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    Having a hard time creating a good fuzz tone. looking for fuzz vst recommendations

    Fuzz pedals are for the most part fairly cheap and aren't big. Worth picking one up.
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    New monitors adam/genelec/cla etc. suggestions needed.

    $1500? Neumann KH120s any day of the week. They are damn near ruler flat and they are generally pretty relaxed about room weirdness (well... anything above the modal region, ofc) compared to most, especially those that don't have a waveguide (or a good implementation thereof). Genelecs, the...
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    Micing Real Amps: What Do You Listen For?

    Depends on the amp, depends on the tone I'm going for. Boosts make an amp tighter but they also in my experience make you lose a bunch of low end percussiveness as well as some clarity. 57, 87, KM84, sometimes a 421. I like using an 87 as my core tone and then adding in presence with a 57...
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    Tesseract guitar tone on 'One' ...?

    One's tone is all Pod XT if I'm remembering what Acle told me correctly.
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    Mesa 4x12 Slant MIC tests (ROSE OF SHARYN)

    I really like the AE250. Sounds like a better 57, to me.
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    ENGL e530 recording setup?

    Focusrite stuff is pretty good - I have a saffire 6 usb (199) and it's honestly one of the better interfaces I've used.