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  1. S

    Leaving this place.

    I got another thread deleted without any explanation. So I'm leaving this forum for good. Delete my account.
  2. S

    The News Thread

  3. S

    The News Thread

    So Sweden can now bill USA for all the Iraki refugies who made to Sweden? Sweet! So you gonna pay for the 80 000 ref. or do we just ship them over to you? 10 years - $15000 a year and person = A fuck load of cash. Cough it up, mofo!
  4. S

    You laugh, you lose

  5. S

    The News Thread

    Tell me about the democrats. Anyone want Hillary? Really? Democrats post Pre.Obama...
  6. S

    The Abortion (that is this) Thread

    1. You can't kill people, illegal. 2. You can abort, legal. = Fetus ain't people. => You can eat fetus without being a cannibal. :)
  7. S

    The pics thread

  8. S

    The Whining and Bitching Thread

    Past by a couple of idiot kids. They where spiting at each other, for real, and laughing about it. When I was a kid - if someone spat at you - you'd beat him up. The End Is Nigh.
  9. S

    The pics thread

    Tardigrades (or water bear) in space. --- Andromeda galaxy The new image reveals some of the very coldest dust in the galaxy.
  10. S

    The News Thread

    That's rich- the resident troll calling me a troll. pft I'm not the one drowning every thread in anti-abotion crap. --- Every day on the radio there's talk about africans/arabs trying to come to europe. Not a word about the most obvious solution. The Elephant in the living room - The...
  11. S


  12. S

    The News Thread

    :tickled: There's an abortion joke there somewhere... :grin:
  13. S

    The News Thread

    sorry - dubble post
  14. S

    The News Thread

    --- So if you pile all the aborted loosers on top of each other - would the pile reach the moon and back? They should have picked better parents in heaven to begin with. Why anyone would ask God for a crack whore mom is beyond me...
  15. S

    The News Thread

    Cut that abortion trolling already. There's like 9 billion people on the planet. That's 9 billion too many.
  16. S

    Biggest SHITHEADS in "Metal"...

    That shit is already broke. Varg Vikernes vs Ted nugget should be the final.
  17. S

    The Official Good Television Thread

    That is just sad. --- Will look at Ash vs evil dead.
  18. S

    You "wtf" you lose
  19. S


    Not sure if anyone is. I don't have a problem with the love message, what Jesus talked about. And think it's proven that a Jesus did live, and got crucified, at that time. I didn't argue the new testament. But the old one? I think it's funny how self-proclaimed Christian people spend their...
  20. S

    The News Thread